Package 'rAmCharts4'

Title: Interface to the JavaScript Library 'amCharts 4'
Description: Creates JavaScript charts. The charts can be included in 'Shiny' apps and R markdown documents, or viewed from the R console and 'RStudio' viewer. Based on the JavaScript library 'amCharts 4' and the R packages 'htmlwidgets' and 'reactR'. Currently available types of chart are: vertical and horizontal bar chart, radial bar chart, stacked bar chart, vertical and horizontal Dumbbell chart, line chart, scatter chart, range area chart, gauge chart, boxplot chart, pie chart, and 100% stacked bar chart.
Authors: Stéphane Laurent [aut, cre], Antanas Marcelionis [ctb, cph] ('amCharts' library (, Terence Eden [ctb, cph] ('SuperTinyIcons' library (, Tom Alexander [ctb, cph] ('regression-js' library (
Maintainer: Stéphane Laurent <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3
Version: 1.6.1
Built: 2025-01-24 02:53:38 UTC

Help Index

Axis breaks


Create an object defining the breaks on an axis.


  values = NULL,
  labels = NULL,
  interval = NULL,
  timeInterval = NULL



positions of the breaks, a vector of values; for a date axis, this must be a vector of dates


if values is given, the labels of the breaks; if NULL, the labels are set to the values


for equally spaced breaks, the number of pixels between two consecutive breaks; ignored if values is given


for equally spaced breaks on a date axis, this option defines the interval between two consecutive breaks; it must be a string like "1 day", "7 days", "1 week", "2 months", ...; ignored if values or interval is given

Axis labels


Create a list of settings for the labels of an axis.


  color = NULL,
  fontSize = 18,
  fontWeight = "normal",
  fontFamily = NULL,
  rotation = 0,
  formatter = NULL

  color = NULL,
  fontSize = 14,
  fontWeight = "normal",
  fontFamily = NULL,
  radius = NULL,
  relativeRotation = NULL



color of the labels


size of the labels


font weight of the labels, it can be "normal", "bold", "bolder", "lighter", or a number in seq(100, 900, by = 100)


font family of the labels


rotation angle


this option defines the format of the axis labels; this should be a number formatting string for a numeric axis, and a list created with amDateAxisFormatter for a date axis


radius in percentage


relative rotation angle


A list of settings for the labels of an axis.


A color can be given by the name of a R color, the name of a CSS color, e.g. "silver" or "fuchsia", an HEX code like "#ff009a", a RGB code like "rgb(255,100,39)", or a HSL code like "hsl(360,11,255)".

HTML widget displaying a bar chart


Create a HTML widget displaying a bar chart.


  data2 = NULL,
  valueNames = NULL,
  showValues = TRUE,
  hline = NULL,
  yLimits = NULL,
  expandY = 5,
  valueFormatter = "#.",
  chartTitle = NULL,
  theme = NULL,
  animated = TRUE,
  draggable = FALSE,
  tooltip = NULL,
  columnStyle = NULL,
  threeD = FALSE,
  bullets = NULL,
  alwaysShowBullets = FALSE,
  backgroundColor = NULL,
  cellWidth = NULL,
  columnWidth = NULL,
  xAxis = NULL,
  yAxis = NULL,
  scrollbarX = FALSE,
  scrollbarY = FALSE,
  legend = NULL,
  caption = NULL,
  image = NULL,
  button = NULL,
  cursor = FALSE,
  width = NULL,
  height = NULL,
  export = FALSE,
  chartId = NULL,
  elementId = NULL



a dataframe


NULL or a dataframe used to update the data with the button; its column names must include the column names of data given in values, it must have the same number of rows as data and its rows must be in the same order as those of data


name of the column of data to be used on the category axis


name(s) of the column(s) of data to be used on the value axis


names of the values variables, to appear in the legend; NULL to use values as names, otherwise a named list of the form list(value1 = "ValueName1", value2 = "ValueName2", ...) where value1, value2, ... are the column names given in values and "ValueName1", "ValueName2", ... are the desired names to appear in the legend; these names can also appear in the tooltips: they are substituted to the string {name} in the formatting string passed on to the tooltip (see the second example)


logical, whether to display the values on the chart


an optional horizontal line to add to the chart; it must be a named list of the form list(value = h, line = settings) where h is the "intercept" and settings is a list of settings created with amLine


range of the y-axis, a vector of two values specifying the lower and the upper limits of the y-axis; NULL for default values


if yLimits = NULL, a percentage of the range of the y-axis used to expand this range


a number formatting string; it is used to format the values displayed on the chart if showValues = TRUE, the values displayed in the cursor tooltips if cursor = TRUE, the labels of the y-axis unless you specify your own formatter in the labels field of the list passed on to the yAxis option, and the values displayed in the tooltips unless you specify your own tooltip text (see the first example for the way to set a number formatter in the tooltip text)


chart title, it can be NULL or FALSE for no title, a character string, a list of settings created with amText, or a list with two fields: text, a list of settings created with amText, and align, can be "left", "right" or "center"


theme, NULL or one of "dataviz", "material", "kelly", "dark", "moonrisekingdom", "frozen", "spiritedaway", "patterns", "microchart"


Boolean, whether to animate the rendering of the graphic


TRUE/FALSE to enable/disable dragging of all bars, otherwise a named list of the form list(value1 = TRUE, value2 = FALSE, ...) to enable/disable the dragging for each bar corresponding to a column given in values


settings of the tooltips; NULL for default, FALSE for no tooltip, otherwise a named list of the form list(value1 = settings1, value2 = settings2, ...) where settings1, settings2, ... are lists created with amTooltip; this can also be a single list of settings that will be applied to each series, or a just a string for the text to display in the tooltip


settings of the columns (the bars); NULL for default, otherwise a named list of the form list(value1 = settings1, value2 = settings2, ...) where settings1, settings2, ... are lists created with amColumn; this can also be a single list of settings that will be applied to each column


logical, whether to render the columns in 3D


settings of the bullets; NULL for default, otherwise a named list of the form list(value1 = settings1, value2 = settings2, ...) where settings1, settings2, ... are lists created with amCircle, amTriangle or amRectangle; this can also be a single list of settings that will be applied to each series


logical, whether to always show the bullets; if FALSE, the bullets are shown only on hovering a column


a color for the chart background; a color can be given by the name of a R color, the name of a CSS color, e.g. "rebeccapurple" or "fuchsia", an HEX code like "#ff009a", a RGB code like "rgb(255,100,39)", or a HSL code like "hsl(360,11,255)"


cell width in percent; for a simple bar chart, this is the width of the columns; for a grouped bar chart, this is the width of the clusters of columns; NULL for the default value


column width, a percentage of the cell width; set to 100 for a simple bar chart and use cellWidth to control the width of the columns; for a grouped bar chart, this controls the spacing between the columns within a cluster of columns; NULL for the default value


settings of the category axis given as a list, or just a string for the axis title; the list of settings has three possible fields: a field title, a list of settings for the axis title created with amText, a field labels, a list of settings for the axis labels created with amAxisLabels, and a field adjust, a number defining the vertical adjustment of the axis (in pixels)


settings of the value axis given as a list, or just a string for the axis title; the list of settings has five possible fields: a field title, a list of settings for the axis title created with amText, a field labels, a list of settings for the axis labels created with amAxisLabels, a field adjust, a number defining the horizontal adjustment of the axis (in pixels), a field gridLines, a list of settings for the grid lines created with amLine and a field breaks to control the axis breaks, an R object created with amAxisBreaks


logical, whether to add a scrollbar for the category axis


logical, whether to add a scrollbar for the value axis


either a logical value, whether to display the legend, or a list of settings for the legend created with amLegend


NULL or FALSE for no caption, a formatted text created with amText, or a list with two fields: text, a list created with amText, and align, can be "left", "right" or "center"


option to include an image at a corner of the chart; NULL or FALSE for no image, otherwise a named list with four possible fields: the field image (required) is a list created with amImage, the field position can be "topleft", "topright", "bottomleft" or "bottomright", the field hjust defines the horizontal adjustment, and the field vjust defines the vertical adjustment


NULL for the default, FALSE for no button, or a list of settings created with amButton; this button is used to replace the current data with data2


option to add a cursor on the chart; FALSE for no cursor, TRUE for a cursor with default settings for the tooltips, or a list of settings created with amTooltip to set the style of the tooltips, or a list with three possible fields: a field tooltip, a list of tooltip settings created with amTooltip, a field extraTooltipPrecision, an integer, the number of additional decimals to display in the tooltips, and a field modifier, which defines a modifier for the values displayed in the tooltips; a modifier is some JavaScript code given as a string, which performs a modification of a string named text, e.g. modifier = "text = '>>>' + text;"


the width of the chart, e.g. "600px" or "80%"; ignored if the chart is displayed in Shiny, in which case the width is given in amChart4Output


the height of the chart, e.g. "400px"; ignored if the chart is displayed in Shiny, in which case the height is given in amChart4Output


logical, whether to enable the export menu


a HTML id for the chart


a HTML id for the container of the chart; ignored if the chart is displayed in Shiny, in which case the id is given by the Shiny id


# a simple bar chart ####

dat <- data.frame(
  country = c("USA", "China", "Japan", "Germany", "UK", "France"),
  visits = c(3025, 1882, 1809, 1322, 1122, 1114)

  data = dat, data2 = dat,
  width = "600px",
  category = "country", values = "visits",
  draggable = TRUE,
  tooltip =
    "[bold font-style:italic #ffff00]{valueY.value.formatNumber('#,###.')}[/]",
  chartTitle =
    amText(text = "Visits per country", fontSize = 22, color = "orangered"),
  xAxis = list(title = amText(text = "Country", color = "maroon")),
  yAxis = list(
    title = amText(text = "Visits", color = "maroon"),
    gridLines = amLine(color = "orange", width = 1, opacity = 0.4)
  yLimits = c(0, 4000),
  valueFormatter = "#,###.",
  caption = amText(text = "Year 2018", color = "red"),
  theme = "material")

# bar chart with individual images in the bullets ####

dat <- data.frame(
  language = c("Python", "Julia", "Java"),
  users = c(10000, 2000, 5000),
  href = c(
    tinyIcon("python", "transparent"),
    tinyIcon("julia", "transparent"),
    tinyIcon("java", "transparent")

  data = dat,
  width = "700px",
  category = "language",
  values = "users",
  valueNames = list(users = "#users"),
  showValues = FALSE,
  tooltip = amTooltip(
    text = "{name}: [bold]valueY[/]",
    textColor = "white",
    backgroundColor = "#101010",
    borderColor = "silver"
  draggable = FALSE,
  backgroundColor = "seashell",
  bullets = amCircle(
    radius = 30,
    color = "white",
    strokeWidth = 4,
    image = amImage(
      href = "inData:href",
      width = 50, height = 50
  alwaysShowBullets = TRUE,
  xAxis = list(title = amText(text = "Programming language")),
  yAxis = list(
    title = amText(text = "# users"),
    gridLines = amLine(color = "orange", width = 1, opacity = 0.4)
  yLimits = c(0, 12000),
  valueFormatter = "#.",
  theme = "material")

# a grouped bar chart ####

dat <- data.frame(
  country = c("USA", "China", "Japan", "Germany", "UK", "France"),
  visits = c(3025, 1882, 1809, 1322, 1122, 1114),
  income = rpois(6, 25),
  expenses = rpois(6, 20)

  data = dat,
  width = "700px",
  category = "country",
  values = c("income", "expenses"),
  valueNames = list(income = "Income", expenses = "Expenses"),
  tooltip = amTooltip(
    textColor = "white",
    backgroundColor = "#101010",
    borderColor = "silver"
  draggable = list(income = TRUE, expenses = FALSE),
  backgroundColor = "#30303d",
  columnStyle = list(
    income = amColumn(
      color = "darkmagenta",
      strokeColor = "#cccccc",
      strokeWidth = 2
    expenses = amColumn(
      color = "darkred",
      strokeColor = "#cccccc",
      strokeWidth = 2
  chartTitle = amText(text = "Income and expenses per country"),
  xAxis = list(title = amText(text = "Country")),
  yAxis = list(
    title = amText(text = "Income and expenses"),
    gridLines = amLine(color = "whitesmoke", width = 1, opacity = 0.4),
    breaks = amAxisBreaks(values = seq(0, 45, by = 5))
  yLimits = c(0, 45),
  valueFormatter = "#.#",
  caption = amText(text = "Year 2018"),
  theme = "dark")

HTML widget displaying a boxplot chart


Create a HTML widget displaying a boxplot chart.


  color = NULL,
  hline = NULL,
  yLimits = NULL,
  expandY = 5,
  valueFormatter = "#.",
  chartTitle = NULL,
  theme = NULL,
  animated = TRUE,
  tooltip = TRUE,
  bullets = NULL,
  backgroundColor = NULL,
  xAxis = NULL,
  yAxis = NULL,
  scrollbarX = FALSE,
  scrollbarY = FALSE,
  caption = NULL,
  image = NULL,
  cursor = FALSE,
  width = NULL,
  height = NULL,
  export = FALSE,
  chartId = NULL,
  elementId = NULL



a dataframe


name of the column of data to be used for the category axis; this can be a date column


name of the column of data to be used for the value axis


the color of the boxplots; it can be given by the name of a R color, the name of a CSS color, e.g. "crimson" or "fuchsia", a HEX code like "#FF009A", a RGB code like "rgb(255,100,39)", or a HSL code like "hsl(360,11,255)"


an optional horizontal line to add to the chart; it must be a named list of the form list(value = h, line = settings) where h is the "intercept" and settings is a list of settings created with amLine


range of the y-axis, a vector of two values specifying the lower and the upper limits of the y-axis; NULL for default values


if yLimits = NULL, a percentage of the range of the y-axis used to expand this range


a number formatting string; it is used to format the values displayed in the cursor tooltips, the labels of the y-axis unless you specify your own formatter in the labels field of the list passed on to the yAxis option, and the values displayed in the tooltips unless you specify your own tooltip text (see the first example of amBarChart for the way to set a number formatter in the tooltip text)


chart title, it can be NULL or FALSE for no title, a character string, a list of settings created with amText, or a list with two fields: text, a list of settings created with amText, and align, can be "left", "right" or "center"


theme, NULL or one of "dataviz", "material", "kelly", "dark", "moonrisekingdom", "frozen", "spiritedaway", "patterns", "microchart"


Boolean, whether to animate the rendering of the graphic


TRUE for the default tooltips, FALSE for no tooltip, otherwise a string for the text to display in the tooltip


settings of the bullets representing the outliers; NULL for default, otherwise a list created with amCircle, amTriangle or amRectangle


a color for the chart background; it can be given by the name of a R color, the name of a CSS color, e.g. "lime" or "olive", an HEX code like "#ff009a", a RGB code like "rgb(255,100,39)", or a HSL code like "hsl(360,11,255)"


settings of the category axis given as a list, or just a string for the axis title; the list of settings has four possible fields: a field title, a list of settings for the axis title created with amText, a field labels, a list of settings for the axis labels created with amAxisLabels, a field adjust, a number defining the vertical adjustment of the axis (in pixels), and a field gridLines, a list of settings for the grid lines created with amLine


settings of the value axis given as a list, or just a string for the axis title; the list of settings has five possible fields: a field title, a list of settings for the axis title created with amText, a field labels, a list of settings for the axis labels created with amAxisLabels, a field adjust, a number defining the horizontal adjustment of the axis (in pixels), a field gridLines, a list of settings for the grid lines created with amLine and a field breaks to control the axis breaks, an R object created with amAxisBreaks


logical, whether to add a scrollbar for the category axis


logical, whether to add a scrollbar for the value axis


NULL or FALSE for no caption, a formatted text created with amText, or a list with two fields: text, a list created with amText, and align, can be "left", "right" or "center"


option to include an image at a corner of the chart; NULL or FALSE for no image, otherwise a named list with four possible fields: the field image (required) is a list created with amImage, the field position can be "topleft", "topright", "bottomleft" or "bottomright", the field hjust defines the horizontal adjustment, and the field vjust defines the vertical adjustment


option to add a cursor on the chart; FALSE for no cursor, TRUE for a cursor with default settings for the tooltips, or a list of settings created with amTooltip to set the style of the tooltips, or a list with three possible fields: a field tooltip, a list of tooltip settings created with amTooltip, a field extraTooltipPrecision, an integer, the number of additional decimals to display in the tooltips, and a field modifier, which defines a modifier for the values displayed in the tooltips; a modifier is some JavaScript code given as a string, which performs a modification of a string named text, e.g. modifier = "text = '>>>' + text;"


the width of the chart, e.g. "600px" or "80%"; ignored if the chart is displayed in Shiny, in which case the width is given in amChart4Output


the height of the chart, e.g. "400px"; ignored if the chart is displayed in Shiny, in which case the height is given in amChart4Output


logical, whether to enable the export menu


a HTML id for the chart


a HTML id for the container of the chart; ignored if the chart is displayed in Shiny, in which case the id is given by the Shiny id


dat <- data.frame(
  group = gl(4, 50, labels = c("A", "B", "C", "D")),
  y     = rt(200, df = 3)
  category = "group",
  value = "y",
  color = "maroon",
  valueFormatter = "#.#",
  theme = "moonrisekingdom"



Create a list of settings for a button.


amButton(label, color = NULL, position = 0.9, marginRight = 10)



label of the button, a character string or a list created with amText for a formatted label


button color


the vertical position of the button: 0 for bottom, 1 for top


right margin in pixels


A list of settings for a button.

Columns style


Create a list of settings for the columns of a bar chart.


  color = NULL,
  opacity = NULL,
  strokeColor = NULL,
  strokeWidth = 4,
  cornerRadius = 8



color of the columns; this can be a color adapter


opacity of the columns, a number between 0 and 1


color of the border of the columns; this can be a color adapter


width of the border of the columns


radius of the corners of the columns


A list of settings for usage in amBarChart or amHorizontalBarChart


A color can be given by the name of a R color, the name of a CSS color, e.g. "transparent" or "fuchsia", an HEX code like "#ff009a", a RGB code like "rgb(255,100,39)", or a HSL code like "hsl(360,11,255)".

Date axis formatter


Create a list of settings for formatting the labels of a date axis, to be passed on to the formatter argument of amAxisLabels.


  day = c("dd", "MMM dd"),
  week = c("dd", "MMM dd"),
  month = c("MMM", "MMM yyyy")


day, week, month

vectors of length two, the first component is a formatting string for the dates within a period, and the second one is a formatting string for the dates at a period change; see Formatting date and time


A list of settings for formatting the labels of a date axis.

HTML widget displaying a Dumbbell chart


Create a HTML widget displaying a Dumbbell chart.


  data2 = NULL,
  seriesNames = NULL,
  hline = NULL,
  yLimits = NULL,
  expandY = 5,
  valueFormatter = "#.",
  chartTitle = NULL,
  theme = NULL,
  animated = TRUE,
  draggable = FALSE,
  tooltip = NULL,
  segmentsStyle = NULL,
  bullets = NULL,
  backgroundColor = NULL,
  xAxis = NULL,
  yAxis = NULL,
  scrollbarX = FALSE,
  scrollbarY = FALSE,
  legend = NULL,
  caption = NULL,
  image = NULL,
  button = NULL,
  cursor = FALSE,
  width = NULL,
  height = NULL,
  export = FALSE,
  chartId = NULL,
  elementId = NULL



a dataframe


NULL or a dataframe used to update the data with the button; its column names must include the column names of data given in values, it must have the same number of rows as data and its rows must be in the same order as those of data


name of the column of data to be used for the category axis


a character matrix with two columns; each row corresponds to a series and provides the names of two columns of data to be used as the limits of the segments


a character vector providing the names of the series to appear in the legend; its length must equal the number of rows of the values matrix: the n-th component corresponds to the n-th row of the values matrix


an optional horizontal line to add to the chart; it must be a named list of the form list(value = h, line = settings) where h is the "intercept" and settings is a list of settings created with amLine


range of the y-axis, a vector of two values specifying the lower and the upper limits of the y-axis; NULL for default values


if yLimits = NULL, a percentage of the range of the y-axis used to expand this range


a number formatting string; it is used to format the values displayed in the cursor tooltips, the labels of the y-axis unless you specify your own formatter in the labels field of the list passed on to the yAxis option, and the values displayed in the tooltips unless you specify your own tooltip text (see the first example of amBarChart for the way to set a number formatter in the tooltip text)


chart title, it can be NULL or FALSE for no title, a character string, a list of settings created with amText, or a list with two fields: text, a list of settings created with amText, and align, can be "left", "right" or "center"


theme, NULL or one of "dataviz", "material", "kelly", "dark", "moonrisekingdom", "frozen", "spiritedaway", "patterns", "microchart"


Boolean, whether to animate the rendering of the graphic


TRUE/FALSE to enable/disable dragging of all bullets, otherwise a named list of the form list(value1 = TRUE, value2 = FALSE, ...)


settings of the tooltips; NULL for default, FALSE for no tooltip, otherwise a named list of the form list(value1 = settings1, value2 = settings2, ...) where settings1, settings2, ... are lists created with amTooltip; this can also be a single list of settings that will be applied to each series, or a just a string for the text to display in the tooltip


settings of the segments; NULL for default, otherwise a named list of the form list(series1 = settings1, series2 = settings2, ...) where series1, series2, ... are the names of the series provided in seriesNames and settings1, settings2, ... are lists created with amSegment; this can also be a single list of settings that will be applied to each series


settings of the bullets; NULL for default, otherwise a named list of the form list(value1 = settings1, value2 = settings2, ...) where settings1, settings2, ... are lists created with amCircle, amTriangle or amRectangle; this can also be a single list of settings that will be applied to each series


a color for the chart background; it can be given by the name of a R color, the name of a CSS color, e.g. "lime" or "olive", an HEX code like "#ff009a", a RGB code like "rgb(255,100,39)", or a HSL code like "hsl(360,11,255)"


settings of the category axis given as a list, or just a string for the axis title; the list of settings has four possible fields: a field title, a list of settings for the axis title created with amText, a field labels, a list of settings for the axis labels created with amAxisLabels, a field adjust, a number defining the vertical adjustment of the axis (in pixels), and a field gridLines, a list of settings for the grid lines created with amLine


settings of the value axis given as a list, or just a string for the axis title; the list of settings has five possible fields: a field title, a list of settings for the axis title created with amText, a field labels, a list of settings for the axis labels created with amAxisLabels, a field adjust, a number defining the horizontal adjustment of the axis (in pixels), a field gridLines, a list of settings for the grid lines created with amLine and a field breaks to control the axis breaks, an R object created with amAxisBreaks


logical, whether to add a scrollbar for the category axis


logical, whether to add a scrollbar for the value axis


either a logical value, whether to display the legend, or a list of settings for the legend created with amLegend


NULL or FALSE for no caption, a formatted text created with amText, or a list with two fields: text, a list created with amText, and align, can be "left", "right" or "center"


option to include an image at a corner of the chart; NULL or FALSE for no image, otherwise a named list with four possible fields: the field image (required) is a list created with amImage, the field position can be "topleft", "topright", "bottomleft" or "bottomright", the field hjust defines the horizontal adjustment, and the field vjust defines the vertical adjustment


NULL for the default, FALSE for no button, or a list of settings created with amButton; this button is used to replace the current data with data2


option to add a cursor on the chart; FALSE for no cursor, TRUE for a cursor with default settings for the tooltips, or a list of settings created with amTooltip to set the style of the tooltips, or a list with three possible fields: a field tooltip, a list of tooltip settings created with amTooltip, a field extraTooltipPrecision, an integer, the number of additional decimals to display in the tooltips, and a field modifier, which defines a modifier for the values displayed in the tooltips; a modifier is some JavaScript code given as a string, which performs a modification of a string named text, e.g. modifier = "text = '>>>' + text;"


the width of the chart, e.g. "600px" or "80%"; ignored if the chart is displayed in Shiny, in which case the width is given in amChart4Output


the height of the chart, e.g. "400px"; ignored if the chart is displayed in Shiny, in which case the height is given in amChart4Output


logical, whether to enable the export menu


a HTML id for the chart


a HTML id for the container of the chart; ignored if the chart is displayed in Shiny, in which case the id is given by the Shiny id


dat <- data.frame(
  x = c("T0", "T1", "T2"),
  y1 = c(7, 15, 10),
  y2 = c(20, 25, 23),
  z1 = c(5, 10, 5),
  z2 = c(25, 20, 15)

  width = "500px",
  data = dat,
  draggable = TRUE,
  category = "x",
  values = rbind(c("y1","y2"), c("z1","z2")),
  seriesNames = c("Control", "Treatment"),
  yLimits = c(0, 30),
  segmentsStyle = list(
    "Control" = amSegment(width = 2),
    "Treatment" = amSegment(width = 2)
  bullets = list(
    y1 = amTriangle(strokeWidth = 0),
    y2 = amTriangle(rotation = 180, strokeWidth = 0),
    z1 = amTriangle(strokeWidth = 0),
    z2 = amTriangle(rotation = 180, strokeWidth = 0)
  tooltip = amTooltip("upper: {openValueY}\nlower: {valueY}", scale = 0.75),
  xAxis = list(
    title = amText(
      fontSize = 17, fontWeight = "bold", fontFamily = "Helvetica"
  yAxis = list(
    title = amText(
      fontSize = 17, fontWeight = "bold", fontFamily = "Helvetica"
    gridLines = amLine("silver", width = 1, opacity = 0.4)
  legend = amLegend(position = "right", itemsWidth = 15, itemsHeight = 15),
  backgroundColor = "lightyellow",
  theme = "dataviz"



Create a list of settings for a font.


amFont(fontSize = NULL, fontWeight = "normal", fontFamily = NULL)



font size, must be given as a character string like "10px" or "2em", or a numeric value, the font size in pixels


font weight, it can be "normal", "bold", "bolder", "lighter", or a number in seq(100, 900, by = 100)


font family


A list of settings for a font.


There is no option for the font style.

HTML widget displaying a gauge chart


Create a HTML widget displaying a gauge chart.


  scorePrecision = 0,
  innerRadius = 70,
  labelsRadius = (100 - innerRadius)/2,
  axisLabelsRadius = 19,
  chartFontSize = 11,
  labelsFont = amFont(fontSize = "2em", fontWeight = "bold"),
  axisLabelsFont = amFont(fontSize = "1.2em"),
  scoreFont = amFont(fontSize = "6em"),
  scoreLabelFont = amFont(fontSize = "2em"),
  hand = amHand(innerRadius = 45, width = 8, color = "slategray", strokeColor = "black"),
  gridLines = FALSE,
  chartTitle = NULL,
  theme = NULL,
  animated = TRUE,
  backgroundColor = NULL,
  caption = NULL,
  image = NULL,
  width = NULL,
  height = NULL,
  export = FALSE,
  chartId = NULL,
  elementId = NULL



gauge value, a number between minScore and maxScore


minimal score


maximal score


an integer, the number of decimals of the score to be displayed


data for the gauge, a dataframe with three required columns: label, lowScore, and highScore, and an optional column color; if the column color is not present, then the colors will be derived from the theme


inner radius of the gauge given as a percentage, between 0 (the gauge has no width) and 100 (the gauge is a semi-disk)


radius for the labels given as a percentage; use the default value to get centered labels


radius for the axis labels given as a percentage


reference font size, a numeric value, the font size in pixels; this font size has an effect only if you use the relative CSS unit em for other font sizes


a list of settings for the font of the labels created with amFont, but the font size must be given in pixels or in em CSS units (no other units are accepted)


a list of settings for the font of the axis labels created with amFont


a list of settings for the font of the score created with amFont


a list of settings for the font of the score label created with amFont


a list of settings for the hand of the gauge created with amHand


a list of settings for the grid lines created with amLine, or a logical value: FALSE for no grid lines, TRUE for default grid lines


chart title, it can be NULL or FALSE for no title, a character string, a list of settings created with amText, or a list with two fields: text, a list of settings created with amText, and align, can be "left", "right" or "center"


theme, NULL or one of "dataviz", "material", "kelly", "dark", "moonrisekingdom", "frozen", "spiritedaway", "patterns", "microchart"


Boolean, whether to animate the rendering of the graphic


a color for the chart background; it can be given by the name of a R color, the name of a CSS color, e.g. "aqua" or "indigo", an HEX code like "#ff009a", a RGB code like "rgb(255,100,39)", or a HSL code like "hsl(360,11,255)"


NULL or FALSE for no caption, a formatted text created with amText, or a list with two fields: text, a list created with amText, and align, can be "left", "right" or "center"


option to include an image at a corner of the chart; NULL or FALSE for no image, otherwise a named list with four possible fields: the field image (required) is a list created with amImage, the field position can be "topleft", "topright", "bottomleft" or "bottomright", the field hjust defines the horizontal adjustment, and the field vjust defines the vertical adjustment


the width of the chart, e.g. "600px" or "80%"; ignored if the chart is displayed in Shiny, in which case the width is given in amChart4Output


the height of the chart, e.g. "400px"; ignored if the chart is displayed in Shiny, in which case the height is given in amChart4Output


logical, whether to enable the export menu


a HTML id for the chart


a HTML id for the container of the chart; ignored if the chart is displayed in Shiny, in which case the id is given by the Shiny id


In Shiny, you can change the score of a gauge chart with the help of updateAmGaugeChart.



gradingData <- data.frame(
  label = c("Slow", "Moderate", "Fast"),
  color = c("blue", "green", "red"),
  lowScore = c(0, 100/3, 200/3),
  highScore = c(100/3, 200/3, 100)

  score = 40, minScore = 0, maxScore = 100, gradingData = gradingData

Gauge hand


Create a list of settings for the hand of a gauge chart.


amHand(innerRadius, width, color, strokeColor)



inner radius of the hand, given as a percentage


width of the base of the hand in pixels, a positive number


color of the hand


stroke color of the hand


A list of settings for the hand of a gauge chart.

HTML widget displaying a horizontal bar chart


Create a HTML widget displaying a horizontal bar chart.


  data2 = NULL,
  valueNames = NULL,
  showValues = TRUE,
  vline = NULL,
  xLimits = NULL,
  expandX = 5,
  valueFormatter = "#.",
  chartTitle = NULL,
  theme = NULL,
  animated = TRUE,
  draggable = FALSE,
  tooltip = NULL,
  columnStyle = NULL,
  threeD = FALSE,
  bullets = NULL,
  alwaysShowBullets = FALSE,
  backgroundColor = NULL,
  cellWidth = NULL,
  columnWidth = NULL,
  xAxis = NULL,
  yAxis = NULL,
  scrollbarX = FALSE,
  scrollbarY = FALSE,
  legend = NULL,
  caption = NULL,
  image = NULL,
  button = NULL,
  cursor = FALSE,
  width = NULL,
  height = NULL,
  export = FALSE,
  chartId = NULL,
  elementId = NULL



a dataframe


NULL or a dataframe used to update the data with the button; its column names must include the column names of data given in values, it must have the same number of rows as data and its rows must be in the same order as those of data


name of the column of data to be used on the category axis


name(s) of the column(s) of data to be used on the value axis


names of the values variables, to appear in the legend; NULL to use values as names, otherwise a named list of the form list(value1 = "ValueName1", value2 = "ValueName2", ...) where value1, value2, ... are the column names given in values and "ValueName1", "ValueName2", ... are the desired names to appear in the legend; these names can also appear in the tooltips: they are substituted to the string {name} in the formatting string passed on to the tooltip (see the second example)


logical, whether to display the values on the chart


an optional vertical line to add to the chart; it must be a named list of the form list(value = v, line = settings) where v is the "intercept" and settings is a list of settings created with amLine


range of the x-axis, a vector of two values specifying the left and the right limits of the x-axis; NULL for default values


if xLimits = NULL, a percentage of the range of the x-axis used to expand this range


a number formatting string; it is used to format the values displayed on the chart if showValues = TRUE, the values displayed in the cursor tooltips if cursor = TRUE, the labels of the x-axis unless you specify your own formatter in the labels field of the list passed on to the xAxis option, and the values displayed in the tooltips unless you specify your own tooltip text (see the first example of amBarChart for the way to set a number formatter in the tooltip text)


chart title, it can be NULL or FALSE for no title, a character string, a list of settings created with amText, or a list with two fields: text, a list of settings created with amText, and align, can be "left", "right" or "center"


theme, NULL or one of "dataviz", "material", "kelly", "dark", "moonrisekingdom", "frozen", "spiritedaway", "patterns", "microchart"


Boolean, whether to animate the rendering of the graphic


TRUE/FALSE to enable/disable dragging of all bars, otherwise a named list of the form list(value1 = TRUE, value2 = FALSE, ...) to enable/disable the dragging for each bar corresponding to a column given in values


settings of the tooltips; NULL for default, FALSE for no tooltip, otherwise a named list of the form list(value1 = settings1, value2 = settings2, ...) where settings1, settings2, ... are lists created with amTooltip; this can also be a single list of settings that will be applied to each series, or a just a string for the text to display in the tooltip


settings of the columns; NULL for default, otherwise a named list of the form list(value1 = settings1, value2 = settings2, ...) where settings1, settings2, ... are lists created with amColumn; this can also be a single list of settings that will be applied to each column


logical, whether to render the columns in 3D


settings of the bullets; NULL for default, otherwise a named list of the form list(value1 = settings1, value2 = settings2, ...) where settings1, settings2, ... are lists created with amCircle, amTriangle or amRectangle; this can also be a single list of settings that will be applied to each series


logical, whether to always show the bullets; if FALSE, the bullets are shown only on hovering a column


a color for the chart background; a color can be given by the name of a R color, the name of a CSS color, e.g. "aqua" or "indigo", an HEX code like "#ff009a", a RGB code like "rgb(255,100,39)", or a HSL code like "hsl(360,11,255)"


cell width in percent; for a simple bar chart, this is the width of the columns; for a grouped bar chart, this is the width of the clusters of columns; NULL for the default value


column width, a percentage of the cell width; set to 100 for a simple bar chart and use cellWidth to control the width of the columns; for a grouped bar chart, this controls the spacing between the columns within a cluster of columns; NULL for the default value


settings of the value axis given as a list, or just a string for the axis title; the list of settings has five possible fields: a field title, a list of settings for the axis title created with amText, a field labels, a list of settings for the axis labels created with amAxisLabels, a field adjust, a number defining the vertical adjustment of the axis (in pixels), a field gridLines, a list of settings for the grid lines created with amLine, and a field breaks to control the axis breaks, an R object created with amAxisBreaks


settings of the category axis given as a list, or just a string for the axis title; the list of settings has three possible fields: a field title, a list of settings for the axis title created with amText, a field labels, a list of settings for the axis labels created with amAxisLabels, and a field adjust, a number defining the horizontal adjustment of the axis (in pixels)


logical, whether to add a scrollbar for the value axis


logical, whether to add a scrollbar for the category axis


FALSE for no legend, TRUE for a legend with default settings, or a list of settings created with amLegend


NULL or FALSE for no caption, a formatted text created with amText, or a list with two fields: text, a list created with amText, and align, can be "left", "right" or "center"


option to include an image at a corner of the chart; NULL or FALSE for no image, otherwise a named list with four possible fields: the field image (required) is a list created with amImage, the field position can be "topleft", "topright", "bottomleft" or "bottomright", the field hjust defines the horizontal adjustment, and the field vjust defines the vertical adjustment


NULL for the default, FALSE for no button, or a list of settings created with amButton; this button is used to replace the current data with data2


option to add a cursor on the chart; FALSE for no cursor, TRUE for a cursor with default settings for the tooltips, or a list of settings created with amTooltip to set the style of the tooltips, or a list with three possible fields: a field tooltip, a list of tooltip settings created with amTooltip, a field extraTooltipPrecision, an integer, the number of additional decimals to display in the tooltips, and a field modifier, which defines a modifier for the values displayed in the tooltips; a modifier is some JavaScript code given a string, which performs a modification of a string named text, e.g. modifier = "text = '>>>' + text;"


the width of the chart, e.g. "600px" or "80%"; ignored if the chart is displayed in Shiny, in which case the width is given in amChart4Output


the height of the chart, e.g. "400px"; ignored if the chart is displayed in Shiny, in which case the height is given in amChart4Output


logical, whether to enable the export menu


a HTML id for the chart


a HTML id for the container of the chart; ignored if the chart is displayed in Shiny, in which case the id is given by the Shiny id


# a simple horizontal bar chart ####

dat <- data.frame(
  country = c("USA", "China", "Japan", "Germany", "UK", "France"),
  visits = c(3025, 1882, 1809, 1322, 1122, 1114)

  data = dat, data2 = dat,
  width = "600px", height = "550px",
  category = "country", values = "visits",
  draggable = TRUE,
  tooltip = "[font-style:italic #ffff00]{valueX}[/]",
  chartTitle =
    amText(text = "Visits per country", fontSize = 22, color = "orangered"),
  xAxis = list(
    title = amText(text = "Country", color = "maroon"),
    gridLines = amLine(opacity = 0.4, width = 1, dash = "3,1")
  yAxis = list(title = amText(text = "Visits", color = "maroon")),
  xLimits = c(0, 4000),
  valueFormatter = "#,###",
  caption = amText(text = "Year 2018", color = "red"),
  theme = "moonrisekingdom")

# a grouped horizontal bar chart ####

dat <- data.frame(
  country = c("USA", "China", "Japan", "Germany", "UK", "France"),
  visits = c(3025, 1882, 1809, 1322, 1122, 1114),
  income = rpois(6, 25),
  expenses = rpois(6, 20)

  data = dat,
  width = "700px",
  category = "country",
  values = c("income", "expenses"),
  valueNames = list(income = "Income", expenses = "Expenses"),
  tooltip = amTooltip(
    text = "[bold]{name}:\n{valueX}[/]",
    textColor = "white",
    backgroundColor = "#101010",
    borderColor = "silver"
  draggable = list(income = TRUE, expenses = FALSE),
  backgroundColor = "#30303d",
  columnStyle = list(
    income = amColumn(
      color = "darkmagenta",
      strokeColor = "#cccccc",
      strokeWidth = 2
    expenses = amColumn(
      color = "darkred",
      strokeColor = "#cccccc",
      strokeWidth = 2
  chartTitle = amText(text = "Income and expenses per country"),
  yAxis = list(title = amText(text = "Country")),
  xAxis = list(
    title = amText(text = "Income and expenses"),
    gridLines = amLine(color = "whitesmoke", width = 1, opacity = 0.4)
  xLimits = c(0, 41),
  valueFormatter = "#.#",
  caption = amText(text = "Year 2018"),
  theme = "dark")

HTML widget displaying a horizontal Dumbbell chart


Create a HTML widget displaying a horizontal Dumbbell chart.


  data2 = NULL,
  seriesNames = NULL,
  vline = NULL,
  xLimits = NULL,
  expandX = 5,
  valueFormatter = "#.",
  chartTitle = NULL,
  theme = NULL,
  animated = TRUE,
  draggable = FALSE,
  tooltip = NULL,
  segmentsStyle = NULL,
  bullets = NULL,
  backgroundColor = NULL,
  xAxis = NULL,
  yAxis = NULL,
  scrollbarX = FALSE,
  scrollbarY = FALSE,
  legend = NULL,
  caption = NULL,
  image = NULL,
  button = NULL,
  cursor = FALSE,
  width = NULL,
  height = NULL,
  export = FALSE,
  chartId = NULL,
  elementId = NULL



a dataframe


NULL or a dataframe used to update the data with the button; its column names must include the column names of data given in values, it must have the same number of rows as data and its rows must be in the same order as those of data


name of the column of data to be used for the category axis


a character matrix with two columns; each row corresponds to a series and provides the names of two columns of data to be used as the limits of the segments


a character vector providing the names of the series to appear in the legend; its length must equal the number of rows of the values matrix: the n-th component corresponds to the n-th row of the values matrix


an optional vertical line to add to the chart; it must be a named list of the form list(value = v, line = settings) where v is the "intercept" and settings is a list of settings created with amLine


range of the x-axis, a vector of two values specifying the left and right limits of the x-axis; NULL for default values


if xLimits = NULL, a percentage of the range of the x-axis used to expand this range


a number formatting string; it is used to format the values displayed in the cursor tooltips, the labels of the x-axis unless you specify your own formatter in the labels field of the list passed on to the xAxis option, and the values displayed in the tooltips unless you specify your own tooltip text (see the first example of amBarChart for the way to set a number formatter in the tooltip text)


chart title, it can be NULL or FALSE for no title, a character string, a list of settings created with amText, or a list with two fields: text, a list of settings created with amText, and align, can be "left", "right" or "center"


theme, NULL or one of "dataviz", "material", "kelly", "dark", "moonrisekingdom", "frozen", "spiritedaway", "patterns", "microchart"


Boolean, whether to animate the rendering of the graphic


TRUE/FALSE to enable/disable dragging of all bullets, otherwise a named list of the form list(value1 = TRUE, value2 = FALSE, ...)


settings of the tooltips; NULL for default, FALSE for no tooltip, otherwise a named list of the form list(value1 = settings1, value2 = settings2, ...) where settings1, settings2, ... are lists created with amTooltip; this can also be a single list of settings that will be applied to each series, or a just a string for the text to display in the tooltip


settings of the segments; NULL for default, otherwise a named list of the form list(series1 = settings1, series2 = settings2, ...) where series1, series2, ... are the names of the series provided in seriesNames and settings1, settings2, ... are lists created with amSegment; this can also be a single list of settings that will be applied to each series


settings of the bullets; NULL for default, otherwise a named list of the form list(value1 = settings1, value2 = settings2, ...) where settings1, settings2, ... are lists created with amCircle, amTriangle or amRectangle; this can also be a single list of settings that will be applied to each series


a color for the chart background; it can be given by the name of a R color, the name of a CSS color, e.g. "lime" or "olive", an HEX code like "#ff009a", a RGB code like "rgb(255,100,39)", or a HSL code like "hsl(360,11,255)"


settings of the value axis given as a list, or just a string for the axis title; the list of settings has five possible fields: a field title, a list of settings for the axis title created with amText, a field labels, a list of settings for the axis labels created with amAxisLabels, a field adjust, a number defining the horizontal adjustment of the axis (in pixels), a field gridLines, a list of settings for the grid lines created with amLine and a field breaks to control the axis breaks, an R object created with amAxisBreaks


settings of the category axis given as a list, or just a string for the axis title; the list of settings has four possible fields: a field title, a list of settings for the axis title created with amText, a field labels, a list of settings for the axis labels created with amAxisLabels, a field adjust, a number defining the vertical adjustment of the axis (in pixels), and a field gridLines, a list of settings for the grid lines created with amLine


logical, whether to add a scrollbar for the value axis


logical, whether to add a scrollbar for the category axis


either a logical value, whether to display the legend, or a list of settings for the legend created with amLegend


NULL or FALSE for no caption, a formatted text created with amText, or a list with two fields: text, a list created with amText, and align, can be "left", "right" or "center"


option to include an image at a corner of the chart; NULL or FALSE for no image, otherwise a named list with four possible fields: the field image (required) is a list created with amImage, the field position can be "topleft", "topright", "bottomleft" or "bottomright", the field hjust defines the horizontal adjustment, and the field vjust defines the vertical adjustment


NULL for the default, FALSE for no button, or a list of settings created with amButton; this button is used to replace the current data with data2


option to add a cursor on the chart; FALSE for no cursor, TRUE for a cursor with default settings for the tooltips, or a list of settings created with amTooltip to set the style of the tooltips, or a list with three possible fields: a field tooltip, a list of tooltip settings created with amTooltip, a field extraTooltipPrecision, an integer, the number of additional decimals to display in the tooltips, and a field modifier, which defines a modifier for the values displayed in the tooltips; a modifier is some JavaScript code given as a string, which performs a modification of a string named text, e.g. modifier = "text = '>>>' + text;"


the width of the chart, e.g. "600px" or "80%"; ignored if the chart is displayed in Shiny, in which case the width is given in amChart4Output


the height of the chart, e.g. "400px"; ignored if the chart is displayed in Shiny, in which case the height is given in amChart4Output


logical, whether to enable the export menu


a HTML id for the chart


a HTML id for the container of the chart; ignored if the chart is displayed in Shiny, in which case the id is given by the Shiny id


lwr <- rpois(20, 5)
dat <- data.frame(
  comparison = paste0("Ctrl vs. ", LETTERS[1:20]),
  lwr = lwr,
  upr = lwr + rpois(20, 10)

  width = "500px", height = "450px",
  data = dat,
  draggable = TRUE,
  category = "comparison",
  values = rbind(c("lwr", "upr")),
  xLimits = c(0, 30),
  segmentsStyle = amSegment(width = 1, color = "darkred"),
  bullets = amCircle(strokeWidth = 0, color = "darkred"),
  tooltip = amTooltip("left: {valueX}\nright: {openValueX}", scale = 0.75),
  xAxis = list(
    title = amText(
      fontSize = 17, fontWeight = "bold", fontFamily = "Helvetica"
    gridLines = amLine("darkblue", width = 2, opacity = 0.8, dash = "2,2"),
    breaks = amAxisBreaks(c(0,10,20,30))
  yAxis = list(
    title = amText(
      fontSize = 17, fontWeight = "bold", fontFamily = "Helvetica"
    labels = amAxisLabels(fontSize = 15),
    gridLines = amLine(color = "red", width = 1, opacity = 0.6, dash = "1,3")
  backgroundColor = "lightsalmon"



Create a list of settings for an image.


amImage(href, width, height, opacity = 1)



a link to an image file or a base64 string representing an image; you can get such a string with tinyIcon, or you can create it from a file with base64enc::dataURI; this option can also be a string of the form "inData:DATAFIELD" where DATAFIELD is the name of a column of the data - this is useful to have different images in the bullets

width, height

dimensions of the image


opacity of the image, a number between 0 and 1


A list of settings for an image.



Create a list of settings for a legend.


  position = "bottom",
  maxHeight = NULL,
  scrollable = FALSE,
  maxWidth = 220,
  itemsWidth = 20,
  itemsHeight = 20



legend position


maximum height for a horizontal legend (position = "bottom" or position = "top")


whether a vertical legend should be scrollable


maximum width for a vertical legend (position = "left" or position = "right"); set it to NULL for no limit


width of the legend items


height of the legend items


A list of settings for a legend.

Line style


Create a list of settings for a line.


  color = NULL,
  opacity = 1,
  width = 3,
  dash = NULL,
  tensionX = NULL,
  tensionY = NULL



line color


line opacity, a number between 0 and 1


line width


string defining a dashed/dotted line; see Dotted and dashed lines

tensionX, tensionY

parameters for the smoothing; see Smoothed lines for the meaning of these parameters


A list of settings for a line.


A color can be given by the name of a R color, the name of a CSS color, e.g. "transparent" or "fuchsia", an HEX code like "#ff009a", a RGB code like "rgb(255,100,39)", or a HSL code like "hsl(360,11,255)".

HTML widget displaying a line chart


Create a HTML widget displaying a line chart.


  data2 = NULL,
  yValueNames = NULL,
  hline = NULL,
  vline = NULL,
  xLimits = NULL,
  yLimits = NULL,
  expandX = 0,
  expandY = 5,
  Xformatter = ifelse(isDate, "yyyy-MM-dd", "#."),
  Yformatter = "#.",
  trend = FALSE,
  chartTitle = NULL,
  theme = NULL,
  animated = TRUE,
  draggable = FALSE,
  tooltip = NULL,
  bullets = NULL,
  alwaysShowBullets = FALSE,
  lineStyle = NULL,
  backgroundColor = NULL,
  xAxis = NULL,
  yAxis = NULL,
  scrollbarX = FALSE,
  scrollbarY = FALSE,
  legend = NULL,
  caption = NULL,
  image = NULL,
  button = NULL,
  cursor = FALSE,
  zoomButtons = FALSE,
  width = NULL,
  height = NULL,
  export = FALSE,
  chartId = NULL,
  elementId = NULL



a dataframe


NULL or a dataframe used to update the data with the button; its column names must include the column names of data given in yValues as well as the column name given in xValue; moreover it must have the same number of rows as data and its rows must be in the same order as those of data


name of the column of data to be used on the x-axis


name(s) of the column(s) of data to be used on the y-axis


names of the variables on the y-axis, to appear in the legend; NULL to use yValues as names, otherwise a named list of the form list(yvalue1 = "ValueName1", yvalue2 = "ValueName2", ...) where yvalue1, yvalue2, ... are the column names given in yValues and "ValueName1", "ValueName2", ... are the desired names to appear in the legend


an optional horizontal line to add to the chart; it must be a named list of the form list(value = h, line = settings) where h is the "intercept" and settings is a list of settings created with amLine


an optional vertical line to add to the chart; it must be a named list of the form list(value = v, line = settings) where v is the "intercept" and settings is a list of settings created with amLine


range of the x-axis, a vector of two values specifying the left and right limits of the x-axis; NULL for default values


range of the y-axis, a vector of two values specifying the lower and the upper limits of the y-axis; NULL for default values


if xLimits = NULL, a percentage of the range of the x-axis used to expand this range


if yLimits = NULL, a percentage of the range of the y-axis used to expand this range


a number formatting string if xValue is set to a numeric column of data; it is used to format the values displayed in the cursor tooltips if cursor = TRUE, the labels of the x-axis unless you specify your own formatter in the labels field of the list passed on to the xAxis option, and the values displayed in the tooltips unless you specify your own tooltip text; if xValue is set to a date column of data, this option should be set to a date formatting string, and it has an effect only on the values displayed in the tooltips (unless you specify your own tooltip text); formatting the dates on the x-axis is done via the labels field of the list passed on to the xAxis option


a number formatting string; it is used to format the values displayed in the cursor tooltips if cursor = TRUE, the labels of the y-axis unless you specify your own formatter in the labels field of the list passed on to the yAxis option, and the values displayed in the tooltips unless you specify your own tooltip text (see the first example of amBarChart for the way to set a number formatter in the tooltip text)


option to request trend lines and to set their settings; FALSE for no trend line, otherwise a named list of the form list(yvalue1 = trend1, yvalue2 = trend2, ...) where trend1, trend2, ... are lists with the following fields:


the modelling method, can be "lm", "lm.js", "nls", "nlsLM", or "loess"; "lm.js" performs a polynomial regression in JavaScript, its advantage is that the fitted regression line is updated when the points of the line are dragged


a formula passed on to the modelling function for methods "lm", "nls" or "nlsLM"; the lefthandside of this formula must always be y, and its righthandside must be a symbolic expression depending on x only, e.g. y ~ x, y ~ x + I(x^2), y ~ poly(x,2)


effective for methods "lm" and "lm.js" only; a list with five possible fields: type can be "confidence" or "prediction", level is the confidence or prediction level (number between 0 and 1), color is the color of the shaded area, opacity is the opacity of the shaded area (number between 0 and 1), tensionX and tensionY to control the smoothing (see amLine)


the order of the polynomial regression when method = "lm.js"


a list of additional arguments passed on to the modelling function defined by method for methods "nls", "nlsLM" or "loess", e.g. method.args = list(span = 0.3) for method "loess"


a list of settings for the trend line created with amLine

it is also possible to request the same kind of trend lines for all series given by the yValues argument, by passing a list of the form list("_all" = trendconfig), e.g. list("_all" = list(method = "lm", formula = y ~ 0+x, style = amLine()))


chart title, it can be NULL or FALSE for no title, a character string, a list of settings created with amText, or a list with two fields: text, a list of settings created with amText, and align, can be "left", "right" or "center"


theme, NULL or one of "dataviz", "material", "kelly", "dark", "moonrisekingdom", "frozen", "spiritedaway", "patterns", "microchart"


Boolean, whether to animate the rendering of the graphic


TRUE/FALSE to enable/disable dragging of all lines, otherwise a named list of the form list(yvalue1 = TRUE, yvalue2 = FALSE, ...) to enable/disable the dragging for each series corresponding to a column given in yValues


settings of the tooltips; NULL for default, FALSE for no tooltip, otherwise a named list of the form list(yvalue1 = settings1, yvalue2 = settings2, ...) where settings1, settings2, ... are lists created with amTooltip; this can also be a single list of settings that will be applied to each series, or a just a string for the text to display in the tooltip


settings of the bullets; NULL for default, otherwise a named list of the form list(yvalue1 = settings1, yvalue2 = settings2, ...) where settings1, settings2, ... are lists created with amCircle, amTriangle or amRectangle; this can also be a single list of settings that will be applied to each series


logical, whether the bullets should always be visible, or visible on hover only


settings of the lines; NULL for default, otherwise a named list of the form list(yvalue1 = settings1, yvalue2 = settings2, ...) where settings1, settings2, ... are lists created with amLine; this can also be a single list of settings that will be applied to each line


a color for the chart background; it can be given by the name of a R color, the name of a CSS color, e.g. "teal" or "fuchsia", an HEX code like "#ff009a", a RGB code like "rgb(255,100,39)", or a HSL code like "hsl(360,11,255)"


settings of the x-axis given as a list, or just a string for the axis title; the list of settings has five possible fields: a field title, a list of settings for the axis title created with amText, a field labels, a list of settings for the axis labels created with amAxisLabels, a field adjust, a number defining the vertical adjustment of the axis (in pixels), a field gridLines, a list of settings for the grid lines created with amLine, and a field breaks to control the axis breaks, an R object created with amAxisBreaks


settings of the y-axis given as a list, or just a string for the axis title; the list of settings has five possible fields: a field title, a list of settings for the axis title created with amText, a field labels, a list of settings for the axis labels created with amAxisLabels, a field adjust, a number defining the horizontal adjustment of the axis (in pixels), a field gridLines, a list of settings for the grid lines created with amLine, and a field breaks to control the axis breaks, an R object created with amAxisBreaks


logical, whether to add a scrollbar for the x-axis


logical, whether to add a scrollbar for the y-axis


FALSE for no legend, TRUE for a legend with default settings, or a list of settings created with amLegend


NULL or FALSE for no caption, a formatted text created with amText, or a list with two fields: text, a list created with amText, and align, can be "left", "right" or "center"


option to include an image at a corner of the chart; NULL or FALSE for no image, otherwise a named list with four possible fields: the field image (required) is a list created with amImage, the field position can be "topleft", "topright", "bottomleft" or "bottomright", the field hjust defines the horizontal adjustment, and the field vjust defines the vertical adjustment


NULL for the default, FALSE for no button, or a list of settings created with amButton; this button is used to replace the current data with data2


option to add a cursor on the chart; FALSE for no cursor, TRUE for a cursor for both axes with default settings for the axes tooltips, otherwise a named list with five possible fields: a field axes to specify the axes for which the cursor is requested, can be "x", "y", or "xy", a field tooltip to set the style of the axes tooltips, this must be a list of settings created with amTooltip, a field extraTooltipPrecision, a named list of the form list(x = i, y = j) where i and j are the desired numbers of additional decimals for the tooltips on the x-axis and on the y-axis respectively, a field maxTooltipDistance, the radius in pixels of the ball around the mouse cursor in which tooltips are displayed, or -1 to display only one tooltip, and finally a field modifier, a list with two possible fields, x and y, which defines modifiers for the values displayed in the axes tooltips; a modifier is some JavaScript code given a string, which performs a modification of a string named text, e.g. "text = '[font-style:italic]' + text + '[/]';"; see the first example for an example of modifier


a Boolean value, or a list created with amZoomButtons


the width of the chart, e.g. "600px" or "80%"; ignored if the chart is displayed in Shiny, in which case the width is given in amChart4Output


the height of the chart, e.g. "400px"; ignored if the chart is displayed in Shiny, in which case the height is given in amChart4Output


logical, whether to enable the export menu


a HTML id for the chart


a HTML id for the container of the chart; ignored if the chart is displayed in Shiny, in which case the id is given by the Shiny id


# a line chart with a numeric x-axis ####

dat <- data.frame(
  x = 1:10,
  y1 = rnorm(10),
  y2 = rnorm(10)

  data = dat,
  width = "700px",
  xValue = "x",
  yValues = c("y1", "y2"),
  yValueNames = list(y1 = "Sample 1", y2 = "Sample 2"),
  trend = list(
    y1 = list(
      method = "lm.js",
      order = 3,
      style = amLine(color = "lightyellow", dash = "3,2")
    y2 = list(
      method = "loess",
      style = amLine(color = "palevioletred", dash = "3,2")
  draggable = list(y1 = TRUE, y2 = FALSE),
  backgroundColor = "#30303d",
  tooltip = amTooltip(
    text = "[bold]({valueX},{valueY})[/]",
    textColor = "white",
    backgroundColor = "#101010",
    borderColor = "whitesmoke"
  bullets = list(
    y1 = amCircle(color = "yellow", strokeColor = "olive"),
    y2 = amCircle(color = "orangered", strokeColor = "darkred")
  alwaysShowBullets = TRUE,
  cursor = list(
    extraTooltipPrecision = list(x = 0, y = 2),
    modifier = list(
      y = c(
        "var value = parseFloat(text);",
        "var style = value > 0 ? '[#0000ff]' : '[#ff0000]';",
        "text = style + text + '[/]';"
  lineStyle = list(
    y1 = amLine(color = "yellow", width = 4),
    y2 = amLine(color = "orangered", width = 4)
  chartTitle = amText(
    text = "Gaussian samples",
    color = "whitesmoke",
    fontWeight = "bold"
  xAxis = list(title = amText(text = "Observation",
                             fontSize = 21,
                             color = "silver",
                             fontWeight = "bold"),
               labels = amAxisLabels(fontSize = 17),
               breaks = amAxisBreaks(
                 values = 1:10,
                 labels = sprintf("[bold %s]%d[/]", rainbow(10), 1:10))),
  yAxis = list(title = amText(text = "Value",
                             fontSize = 21,
                             color = "silver",
                             fontWeight = "bold"),
               labels = amAxisLabels(color = "whitesmoke",
                                     fontSize = 14),
               gridLines = amLine(color = "whitesmoke",
                                  opacity = 0.4,
                                  width = 1)),
  yLimits = c(-3, 3),
  Yformatter = "#.00",
  caption = amText(text = "[font-style:italic]try to drag the yellow line![/]",
                   color = "yellow"),
  theme = "dark")

# line chart with a date x-axis ####


dat <- data.frame(
  date = ymd(180101) + days(0:60),
  visits = rpois(61, 20)

  data = dat,
  width = "750px",
  xValue = "date",
  yValues = "visits",
  draggable = TRUE,
  chartTitle = "Number of visits",
  xAxis = list(
    title = "Date",
    labels = amAxisLabels(
      formatter = amDateAxisFormatter(
        day = c("dt", "[bold]MMM[/] dt"),
        week = c("dt", "[bold]MMM[/] dt")
    breaks = amAxisBreaks(timeInterval = "7 days")
  yAxis = "Visits",
  xLimits = range(dat$date) + c(0,7),
  yLimits = c(0, 35),
  backgroundColor = "whitesmoke",
  tooltip = paste0(
    "\nvisits: {valueY}[/]"
  caption = amText(text = "Year 2018"),
  theme = "material")

# smoothed lines ####

x <- seq(-4, 4, length.out = 100)
dat <- data.frame(
  x = x,
  Gauss = dnorm(x),
  Cauchy = dcauchy(x)

  data = dat,
  width = "700px",
  xValue = "x",
  yValues = c("Gauss", "Cauchy"),
  yValueNames = list(
    Gauss = "Standard normal distribution",
    Cauchy = "Cauchy distribution"
  draggable = FALSE,
  tooltip = FALSE,
  lineStyle = amLine(
    width = 4,
    tensionX = 0.8,
    tensionY = 0.8
  xAxis = list(title = amText(text = "x",
                             fontSize = 21,
                             color = "navyblue"),
               labels = amAxisLabels(
                 color = "midnightblue",
                 fontSize = 17)),
  yAxis = list(title = amText(text = "density",
                              fontSize = 21,
                              color = "navyblue"),
               labels = FALSE),
  theme = "dataviz")

HTML widget displaying a 100% stacked bar chart


Create a HTML widget displaying a 100% stacked bar chart.


  valueNames = NULL,
  hline = NULL,
  chartTitle = NULL,
  theme = NULL,
  animated = TRUE,
  backgroundColor = NULL,
  xAxis = NULL,
  yAxis = NULL,
  scrollbarX = FALSE,
  scrollbarY = FALSE,
  legend = TRUE,
  caption = NULL,
  image = NULL,
  width = NULL,
  height = NULL,
  export = FALSE,
  chartId = NULL,
  elementId = NULL



a dataframe


name of the column of data to be used on the category axis


names of the columns of data to be used on the value axis


names of the values variables, to appear in the legend; NULL to use values as names, otherwise a named list of the form list(value1 = "ValueName1", value2 = "ValueName2", ...) where value1, value2, ... are the column names given in values and "ValueName1", "ValueName2", ... are the desired names to appear in the legend; these names also appear in the tooltips.


an optional horizontal line to add to the chart; it must be a named list of the form list(value = h, line = settings) where h is the "intercept" and settings is a list of settings created with amLine


chart title, it can be NULL or FALSE for no title, a character string, a list of settings created with amText, or a list with two fields: text, a list of settings created with amText, and align, can be "left", "right" or "center"


theme, NULL or one of "dataviz", "material", "kelly", "dark", "moonrisekingdom", "frozen", "spiritedaway", "patterns", "microchart"


Boolean, whether to animate the rendering of the graphic


a color for the chart background; a color can be given by the name of a R color, the name of a CSS color, e.g. "rebeccapurple" or "fuchsia", an HEX code like "#ff009a", a RGB code like "rgb(255,100,39)", or a HSL code like "hsl(360,11,255)"


settings of the category axis given as a list, or just a string for the axis title; the list of settings has three possible fields: a field title, a list of settings for the axis title created with amText, a field labels, a list of settings for the axis labels created with amAxisLabels, and a field adjust, a number defining the vertical adjustment of the axis (in pixels)


settings of the value axis given as a list, or just a string for the axis title; the list of settings has five possible fields: a field title, a list of settings for the axis title created with amText, a field labels, a list of settings for the axis labels created with amAxisLabels, a field adjust, a number defining the horizontal adjustment of the axis (in pixels), a field gridLines, a list of settings for the grid lines created with amLine and a field breaks to control the axis breaks, an R object created with amAxisBreaks


logical, whether to add a scrollbar for the category axis


logical, whether to add a scrollbar for the value axis


either a logical value, whether to display the legend, or a list of settings for the legend created with amLegend


NULL or FALSE for no caption, a formatted text created with amText, or a list with two fields: text, a list created with amText, and align, can be "left", "right" or "center"


option to include an image at a corner of the chart; NULL or FALSE for no image, otherwise a named list with four possible fields: the field image (required) is a list created with amImage, the field position can be "topleft", "topright", "bottomleft" or "bottomright", the field hjust defines the horizontal adjustment, and the field vjust defines the vertical adjustment


the width of the chart, e.g. "600px" or "80%"; ignored if the chart is displayed in Shiny, in which case the width is given in amChart4Output


the height of the chart, e.g. "400px"; ignored if the chart is displayed in Shiny, in which case the height is given in amChart4Output


logical, whether to enable the export menu


a HTML id for the chart


a HTML id for the container of the chart; ignored if the chart is displayed in Shiny, in which case the id is given by the Shiny id



dat <- data.frame(
  category = c("A", "B", "C"),
  v1 = c(1, 2, 3),
  v2 = c(9, 5, 7)

  category = "category",
  values = c("v1", "v2"),
  valueNames = c("Value1", "Value2"),
  yAxis = "Percentage",
  theme = "dataviz",
  legend = amLegend(position = "right")

HTML widget displaying a pie chart


Create a HTML widget displaying a pie chart.


  innerRadius = 0,
  threeD = FALSE,
  depth = ifelse(variableDepth, 100, 10),
  colorStep = 3,
  variableRadius = FALSE,
  variableDepth = FALSE,
  chartTitle = NULL,
  theme = NULL,
  animated = TRUE,
  backgroundColor = NULL,
  legend = TRUE,
  caption = NULL,
  image = NULL,
  width = NULL,
  height = NULL,
  export = FALSE,
  chartId = NULL,
  elementId = NULL



a dataframe


name of the column of data to be used as the category


name of the column of data to be used as the value


the inner radius of the pie chart in percent


whether to render a 3D pie chart


for a 3D chart, this parameter controls the height of the slices


the step in the color palette


whether to render slices with variable radius


for a 3D chart, whether to render slices with variable depth


chart title, it can be NULL or FALSE for no title, a character string, a list of settings created with amText, or a list with two fields: text, a list of settings created with amText, and align, can be "left", "right" or "center"


theme, NULL or one of "dataviz", "material", "kelly", "dark", "moonrisekingdom", "frozen", "spiritedaway", "patterns", "microchart"


Boolean, whether to animate the rendering of the graphic


a color for the chart background; it can be given by the name of a R color, the name of a CSS color, e.g. "lime" or "olive", an HEX code like "#ff009a", a RGB code like "rgb(255,100,39)", or a HSL code like "hsl(360,11,255)"


either a logical value, whether to display the legend, or a list of settings for the legend created with amLegend


NULL or FALSE for no caption, a formatted text created with amText, or a list with two fields: text, a list created with amText, and align, can be "left", "right" or "center"


option to include an image at a corner of the chart; NULL or FALSE for no image, otherwise a named list with four possible fields: the field image (required) is a list created with amImage, the field position can be "topleft", "topright", "bottomleft" or "bottomright", the field hjust defines the horizontal adjustment, and the field vjust defines the vertical adjustment


the width of the chart, e.g. "600px" or "80%"; ignored if the chart is displayed in Shiny, in which case the width is given in amChart4Output


the height of the chart, e.g. "400px"; ignored if the chart is displayed in Shiny, in which case the height is given in amChart4Output


logical, whether to enable the export menu


a HTML id for the chart


a HTML id for the container of the chart; ignored if the chart is displayed in Shiny, in which case the id is given by the Shiny id


dat <- data.frame(
  country = c(
    "Lithuania", "Czechia", "Ireland", "Germany", "Australia", "Austria"
  value = c(260, 230, 200, 165, 139, 128)
  data = dat,
  category = "country",
  value = "value",
  variableRadius = TRUE

# shiny app demonstrating the options ####

dat <- data.frame(
  country = c(
    "Lithuania", "Czechia", "Ireland", "Germany", "Australia", "Austria"
  value = c(260, 230, 200, 165, 139, 128)

ui <- fluidPage(
        "innerRadius", "Inner radius", min = 0, max = 60, value = 0, step = 20
      checkboxInput("variableRadius", "Variable radius", TRUE),
      checkboxInput("threeD", "3D"),
        checkboxInput("variableDepth", "Variable depth")
      amChart4Output("piechart", height = "500px")

server <- function(input, output, session){

  piechart <- reactive({
      data = dat,
      category = "country",
      value = "value",
      innerRadius = input[["innerRadius"]],
      threeD = input[["threeD"]],
      variableDepth = input[["variableDepth"]],
      depth = ifelse(input[["variableDepth"]], 300, 10),
      variableRadius = input[["variableRadius"]],
      theme = "dark"

  output[["piechart"]] <- renderAmChart4({

  shinyApp(ui, server)

HTML widget displaying a radial bar chart


Create a HTML widget displaying a radial bar chart.


  data2 = NULL,
  valueNames = NULL,
  showValues = TRUE,
  innerRadius = 50,
  yLimits = NULL,
  expandY = 5,
  valueFormatter = "#.",
  chartTitle = NULL,
  theme = NULL,
  animated = TRUE,
  draggable = FALSE,
  tooltip = NULL,
  columnStyle = NULL,
  bullets = NULL,
  alwaysShowBullets = FALSE,
  backgroundColor = NULL,
  cellWidth = NULL,
  columnWidth = NULL,
  xAxis = NULL,
  yAxis = NULL,
  scrollbarX = FALSE,
  scrollbarY = FALSE,
  legend = NULL,
  caption = NULL,
  image = NULL,
  button = NULL,
  cursor = FALSE,
  width = NULL,
  height = NULL,
  export = FALSE,
  chartId = NULL,
  elementId = NULL



a dataframe


NULL or a dataframe used to update the data with the button; its column names must include the column names of data given in values, it must have the same number of rows as data and its rows must be in the same order as those of data


name of the column of data to be used on the category axis


name(s) of the column(s) of data to be used on the value axis


names of the values variables, to appear in the legend; NULL to use values as names, otherwise a named list of the form list(value1 = "ValueName1", value2 = "ValueName2", ...) where value1, value2, ... are the column names given in values and "ValueName1", "ValueName2", ... are the desired names to appear in the legend; these names can also appear in the tooltips: they are substituted to the string {name} in the formatting string passed on to the tooltip (see the second example of amBarChart)


logical, whether to display the values on the chart


inner radius of the chart, a percentage (between 0 and 100 theoretically, but in practice it should be between 30 and 70)


range of the y-axis, a vector of two values specifying the lower and the upper limits of the y-axis; NULL for default values


if yLimits = NULL, a percentage of the range of the y-axis used to expand this range


a number formatting string; it is used to format the values displayed on the chart if showValues = TRUE, the values displayed in the cursor tooltips if cursor = TRUE, the labels of the y-axis unless you specify your own formatter in the labels field of the list passed on to the yAxis option, and the values displayed in the tooltips unless you specify your own tooltip text (see the first example for the way to set a number formatter in the tooltip text)


chart title, it can be NULL or FALSE for no title, a character string, a list of settings created with amText, or a list with two fields: text, a list of settings created with amText, and align, can be "left", "right" or "center"


theme, NULL or one of "dataviz", "material", "kelly", "dark", "moonrisekingdom", "frozen", "spiritedaway", "patterns", "microchart"


Boolean, whether to animate the rendering of the graphic


TRUE/FALSE to enable/disable dragging of all bars, otherwise a named list of the form list(value1 = TRUE, value2 = FALSE, ...) to enable/disable the dragging for each bar corresponding to a column given in values


settings of the tooltips; NULL for default, FALSE for no tooltip, otherwise a named list of the form list(value1 = settings1, value2 = settings2, ...) where settings1, settings2, ... are lists created with amTooltip; this can also be a single list of settings that will be applied to each series, or a just a string for the text to display in the tooltip


settings of the columns; NULL for default, otherwise a named list of the form list(value1 = settings1, value2 = settings2, ...) where settings1, settings2, ... are lists created with amColumn; this can also be a single list of settings that will be applied to each column


settings of the bullets; NULL for default, otherwise a named list of the form list(value1 = settings1, value2 = settings2, ...) where settings1, settings2, ... are lists created with amCircle, amTriangle or amRectangle; this can also be a single list of settings that will be applied to each series


logical, whether to always show the bullets; if FALSE, the bullets are shown only on hovering a column


a color for the chart background; a color can be given by the name of a R color, the name of a CSS color, e.g. "lime" or "fuchsia", an HEX code like "#ff009a", a RGB code like "rgb(255,100,39)", or a HSL code like "hsl(360,11,255)"


cell width in percent; for a simple bar chart, this is the width of the columns; for a grouped bar chart, this is the width of the clusters of columns; NULL for the default value


column width, a percentage of the cell width; set to 100 for a simple bar chart and use cellWidth to control the width of the columns; for a grouped bar chart, this controls the spacing between the columns within a cluster of columns; NULL for the default value


settings of the category axis given as a list, or just a string for the axis title; the list of settings has three possible fields: a field title, a list of settings for the axis title created with amText, a field labels, a list of settings for the axis labels created with amAxisLabelsCircular, and a field adjust, a number defining the vertical adjustment of the axis (in pixels)


settings of the value axis given as a list, or just a string for the axis title; the list of settings has five possible fields: a field title, a list of settings for the axis title created with amText, a field labels, a list of settings for the axis labels created with amAxisLabels, a field adjust, a number defining the horizontal adjustment of the axis (in pixels), a field gridLines, a list of settings for the grid lines created with amLine and a field breaks to control the axis breaks, an R object created with amAxisBreaks


logical, whether to add a scrollbar for the category axis


logical, whether to add a scrollbar for the value axis


either a logical value, whether to display the legend, or a list of settings for the legend created with amLegend


NULL or FALSE for no caption, a formatted text created with amText, or a list with two fields: text, a list created with amText, and align, can be "left", "right" or "center"


option to include an image at a corner of the chart; NULL or FALSE for no image, otherwise a named list with four possible fields: the field image (required) is a list created with amImage, the field position can be "topleft", "topright", "bottomleft" or "bottomright", the field hjust defines the horizontal adjustment, and the field vjust defines the vertical adjustment


NULL for the default, FALSE for no button, or a list of settings created with amButton; this button is used to replace the current data with data2


option to add a cursor on the chart; FALSE for no cursor, TRUE for a cursor with default settings for the tooltips, or a list of settings created with amTooltip to set the style of the tooltips, or a list with three possible fields: a field tooltip, a list of tooltip settings created with amTooltip, a field extraTooltipPrecision, an integer, the number of additional decimals to display in the tooltips, and a field modifier, which defines a modifier for the values displayed in the tooltips; a modifier is some JavaScript code given a string, which performs a modification of a string named text, e.g. modifier = "text = '>>>' + text;"


the width of the chart, e.g. "600px" or "80%"; ignored if the chart is displayed in Shiny, in which case the width is given in amChart4Output


the height of the chart, e.g. "400px"; ignored if the chart is displayed in Shiny, in which case the height is given in amChart4Output


logical, whether to enable the export menu


a HTML id for the chart


a HTML id for the container of the chart; ignored if the chart is displayed in Shiny, in which case the id is given by the Shiny id


# a grouped radial bar chart ####

dat <- data.frame(
  country = c("USA", "China", "Japan", "Germany", "UK", "France"),
  visits = c(3025, 1882, 1809, 1322, 1122, 1114),
  income = rpois(6, 25),
  expenses = rpois(6, 20)

  data = dat, data2 = dat,
  width = "600px", height = "600px",
  category = "country",
  values = c("income", "expenses"),
  valueNames = list(income = "Income", expenses = "Expenses"),
  showValues = FALSE,
  tooltip = amTooltip(
    textColor = "white",
    backgroundColor = "#101010",
    borderColor = "silver"
  draggable = TRUE,
  backgroundColor = "#30303d",
  columnStyle = list(
    income = amColumn(
      color = "darkmagenta",
      strokeColor = "#cccccc",
      strokeWidth = 2
    expenses = amColumn(
      color = "darkred",
      strokeColor = "#cccccc",
      strokeWidth = 2
  chartTitle = "Income and expenses per country",
  xAxis = list(
    labels = amAxisLabelsCircular(
      radius = -82, relativeRotation = 90
  yAxis = list(
    labels = amAxisLabels(color = "orange"),
    gridLines = amLine(color = "whitesmoke", width = 1, opacity = 0.4),
    breaks = amAxisBreaks(values = seq(0, 40, by = 10))
  yLimits = c(0, 40),
  valueFormatter = "#.#",
  caption = amText(
    text = "Year 2018",
    fontFamily = "Impact",
    fontSize = 18
  theme = "dark")

# just for fun ####

dat <- data.frame(
  cluster = letters[1:6],
  y1 = rep(10, 6),
  y2 = rep(8, 6),
  y3 = rep(6, 6),
  y4 = rep(4, 6),
  y5 = rep(2, 6),
  y6 = rep(4, 6),
  y7 = rep(6, 6),
  y8 = rep(8, 6),
  y9 = rep(10, 6)

  data = dat,
  width = "500px", height = "500px",
  innerRadius = 10,
  category = "cluster", values = paste0("y", 1:9),
  showValues = FALSE,
  tooltip = FALSE, draggable = FALSE,
  backgroundColor = "black",
  columnStyle = amColumn(strokeWidth = 1, strokeColor = "white"),
  cellWidth = 96,
  xAxis = list(labels = FALSE),
  yAxis = list(labels = FALSE, gridLines = FALSE),
  yLimits = c(0, 10),
  legend = FALSE,
  theme = "kelly")

HTML widget displaying a range area chart


Create a HTML widget displaying a range area chart.


  data2 = NULL,
  areas = NULL,
  hline = NULL,
  vline = NULL,
  xLimits = NULL,
  yLimits = NULL,
  expandX = 0,
  expandY = 5,
  Xformatter = ifelse(isDate, "yyyy-MM-dd", "#."),
  Yformatter = "#.",
  chartTitle = NULL,
  theme = NULL,
  animated = TRUE,
  draggable = FALSE,
  tooltip = NULL,
  bullets = NULL,
  alwaysShowBullets = FALSE,
  lineStyle = NULL,
  backgroundColor = NULL,
  xAxis = NULL,
  yAxis = NULL,
  scrollbarX = FALSE,
  scrollbarY = FALSE,
  legend = NULL,
  caption = NULL,
  image = NULL,
  button = NULL,
  cursor = FALSE,
  width = NULL,
  height = NULL,
  export = FALSE,
  chartId = NULL,
  elementId = NULL



a dataframe


NULL or a dataframe used to update the data with the button; its column names must include the column names of data given in yValues, it must have the same number of rows as data and its rows must be in the same order as those of data


name of the column of data to be used on the x-axis


a character matrix with two columns; each row corresponds to a range area and provides the names of two columns of data to be used as the limits of the range area


an unnamed list of list of settings for the range areas; the n-th inner list of settings corresponds to the n-th row of the yValues matrix; each list of settings has three possible fields: name for the legend label, color for the color of the range area, and opacity for the opacity of the range area, a number between 0 and 1


an optional horizontal line to add to the chart; it must be a named list of the form list(value = h, line = settings) where h is the "intercept" and settings is a list of settings created with amLine


an optional vertical line to add to the chart; it must be a named list of the form list(value = v, line = settings) where v is the "intercept" and settings is a list of settings created with amLine


range of the x-axis, a vector of two values specifying the left and right limits of the x-axis; NULL for default values


range of the y-axis, a vector of two values specifying the lower and upper limits of the y-axis; NULL for default values


if xLimits = NULL, a percentage of the range of the x-axis used to expand this range


if yLimits = NULL, a percentage of the range of the y-axis used to expand this range


a number formatting string if xValue is set to a numeric column of data; it is used to format the values displayed in the cursor tooltips if cursor = TRUE, the labels of the x-axis unless you specify your own formatter in the labels field of the list passed on to the xAxis option, and the values displayed in the tooltips unless you specify your own tooltip text; if xValue is set to a date column of data, this option should be set to a date formatting string, and it has an effect only on the values displayed in the tooltips (unless you specify your own tooltip text); formatting the dates on the x-axis is done via the labels field of the list passed on to the xAxis option


a number formatting string; it is used to format the values displayed in the cursor tooltips if cursor = TRUE, the labels of the y-axis unless you specify your own formatter in the labels field of the list passed on to the yAxis option, and the values displayed in the tooltips unless you specify your own tooltip text (see the first example of amBarChart for the way to set a number formatter in the tooltip text)


chart title, it can be NULL or FALSE for no title, a character string, a list of settings created with amText, or a list with two fields: text, a list of settings created with amText, and align, can be "left", "right" or "center"


theme, NULL or one of "dataviz", "material", "kelly", "dark", "moonrisekingdom", "frozen", "spiritedaway", "patterns", "microchart"


Boolean, whether to animate the rendering of the graphic


TRUE/FALSE to enable/disable dragging of all lines, otherwise a named list of the form list(yvalue1 = TRUE, yvalue2 = FALSE, ...) to enable/disable the dragging for each series corresponding to a column given in yValues


settings of the tooltips; NULL for default, FALSE for no tooltip, otherwise a named list of the form list(yvalue1 = settings1, yvalue2 = settings2, ...) where settings1, settings2, ... are lists created with amTooltip; this can also be a single list of settings that will be applied to each series, or a just a string for the text to display in the tooltip


settings of the bullets; NULL for default, otherwise a named list of the form list(yvalue1 = settings1, yvalue2 = settings2, ...) where settings1, settings2, ... are lists created with amCircle, amTriangle or amRectangle; this can also be a single list of settings that will be applied to each series


logical, whether the bullets should always be visible, or visible on hover only


settings of the lines; NULL for default, otherwise a named list of the form list(yvalue1 = settings1, yvalue2 = settings2, ...) where settings1, settings2, ... are lists created with amLine; this can also be a single list of settings that will be applied to each line


a color for the chart background


settings of the x-axis given as a list, or just a string for the axis title; the list of settings has five possible fields: a field title, a list of settings for the axis title created with amText, a field labels, a list of settings for the axis labels created with amAxisLabels, a field adjust, a number defining the vertical adjustment of the axis (in pixels), a field gridLines, a list of settings for the grid lines created with amLine, and a field breaks to control the axis breaks, an R object created with amAxisBreaks


settings of the y-axis given as a list, or just a string for the axis title; the list of settings has five possible fields: a field title, a list of settings for the axis title created with amText, a field labels, a list of settings for the axis labels created with amAxisLabels, a field adjust, a number defining the horizontal adjustment of the axis (in pixels), a field gridLines, a list of settings for the grid lines created with amLine, and a field breaks to control the axis breaks, an R object created with amAxisBreaks


logical, whether to add a scrollbar for the x-axis


logical, whether to add a scrollbar for the y-axis


FALSE for no legend, TRUE for a legend with default settings, or a list of settings created with amLegend


NULL or FALSE for no caption, a formatted text created with amText, or a list with two fields: text, a list created with amText, and align, can be "left", "right" or "center"


option to include an image at a corner of the chart; NULL or FALSE for no image, otherwise a named list with four possible fields: the field image (required) is a list created with amImage, the field position can be "topleft", "topright", "bottomleft" or "bottomright", the field hjust defines the horizontal adjustment, and the field vjust defines the vertical adjustment


NULL for the default, FALSE for no button, or a list of settings created with amButton; this button is used to replace the current data with data2


option to add a cursor on the chart; FALSE for no cursor, TRUE for a cursor for both axes with default settings for the axes tooltips, otherwise a named list with four possible fields: a field axes to specify the axes for which the cursor is requested, can be "x", "y", or "xy", a field tooltip to set the style of the axes tooltips, this must be a list of settings created with amTooltip, a field extraTooltipPrecision, a named list of the form list(x = i, y = j) where i and j are the desired numbers of additional decimals for the tooltips on the x-axis and on the y-axis respectively, and a field modifier, a list with two possible fields, x and y, which defines modifiers for the values displayed in the tooltips; a modifier is some JavaScript code given as a string, which performs a modification of a string named text, e.g. "text = '[font-style:italic]' + text + '[/]';"; see the example for an example of modifier


the width of the chart, e.g. "600px" or "80%"; ignored if the chart is displayed in Shiny, in which case the width is given in amChart4Output


the height of the chart, e.g. "400px"; ignored if the chart is displayed in Shiny, in which case the height is given in amChart4Output


logical, whether to enable the export menu


a HTML id for the chart


a HTML id for the container of the chart; ignored if the chart is displayed in Shiny, in which case the id is given by the Shiny id


A color can be given by the name of a R color, the name of a CSS color, e.g. "crimson" or "silver", an HEX code like "#ff009a", a RGB code like "rgb(255,100,39)", or a HSL code like "hsl(360,11,255)".


x <- 1:20
dat <- data.frame(
  x = x,
  y1 = rnorm(20, sd = 1.5),
  y2 = rnorm(20, 10, sd = 1.5),
  z1 = rnorm(20, x+5, sd = 1.5),
  z2 = rnorm(20, x+15, sd = 1.5)

  data = dat,
  width = "700px",
  xValue = "x",
  yValues = rbind(c("y1", "y2"), c("z1", "z2")),
  xLimits = c(1, 20),
  draggable = TRUE,
  backgroundColor = "#30303d",
  tooltip = list(
    y1 = amTooltip(
      text = "[bold]upper: {openValueY}\nlower: {valueY}[/]",
      textColor = "yellow",
      backgroundColor = "darkmagenta",
      backgroundOpacity = 0.8,
      borderColor = "rebeccapurple",
      scale = 0.9
    y2 = amTooltip(
      text = "[bold]upper: {valueY}\nlower: {openValueY}[/]",
      textColor = "yellow",
      backgroundColor = "darkmagenta",
      backgroundOpacity = 0.8,
      borderColor = "rebeccapurple",
      scale = 0.9
    z1 = amTooltip(
      text = "[bold]upper: {openValueY}\nlower: {valueY}[/]",
      textColor = "white",
      backgroundColor = "darkred",
      backgroundOpacity = 0.8,
      borderColor = "crimson",
      scale = 0.9
    z2 = amTooltip(
      text = "[bold]upper: {valueY}\nlower: {openValueY}[/]",
      textColor = "white",
      backgroundColor = "darkred",
      backgroundOpacity = 0.8,
      borderColor = "crimson",
      scale = 0.9
  bullets = list(
    y1 = amCircle(color = "yellow", strokeColor = "olive"),
    y2 = amCircle(color = "yellow", strokeColor = "olive"),
    z1 = amCircle(color = "orangered", strokeColor = "darkred"),
    z2 = amCircle(color = "orangered", strokeColor = "darkred")
  alwaysShowBullets = FALSE,
  lineStyle = list(
    y1 = amLine(color = "yellow", width = 3, tensionX = 0.8, tensionY = 0.8),
    y2 = amLine(color = "yellow", width = 3, tensionX = 0.8, tensionY = 0.8),
    z1 = amLine(color = "orangered", width = 3, tensionX = 0.8, tensionY = 0.8),
    z2 = amLine(color = "orangered", width = 3, tensionX = 0.8, tensionY = 0.8)
  areas = list(
    list(name = "y1-y2", color = "blue", opacity = 0.2),
    list(name = "z1-z2", color = "red", opacity = 0.2)
  cursor = list(
    tooltip = amTooltip(
      backgroundColor = "silver"
    extraTooltipPrecision = list(x = 0, y = 2),
    modifier = list(y = "text = parseFloat(text).toFixed(2);")
  chartTitle = amText(text = "Range area chart",
                      color = "whitesmoke",
                      fontWeight = "bold"),
  xAxis = list(title = amText(text = "Observation",
                              fontSize = 20,
                              color = "silver"),
               labels = amAxisLabels(color = "whitesmoke",
                                     fontSize = 17),
               adjust = 5),
  yAxis = list(title = amText(text = "Value",
                              fontSize = 20,
                              color = "silver"),
               labels = amAxisLabels(color = "whitesmoke",
                                     fontSize = 17),
               gridLines = amLine(color = "antiquewhite",
                                  opacity = 0.4, width = 1)),
  Xformatter = "#",
  Yformatter = "#.00",
  image = list(
    image = amImage(
      href = tinyIcon("react", backgroundColor = "transparent"),
      width = 40, height = 40
    position = "bottomleft", hjust = 2, vjust = -2
  theme = "dark")

HTML widget displaying a scatter chart


Create a HTML widget displaying a scatter chart.


  data2 = NULL,
  yValueNames = NULL,
  hline = NULL,
  vline = NULL,
  xLimits = NULL,
  yLimits = NULL,
  expandX = 0,
  expandY = 5,
  Xformatter = ifelse(isDate, "yyyy-MM-dd", "#."),
  Yformatter = "#.",
  trend = FALSE,
  chartTitle = NULL,
  theme = NULL,
  animated = TRUE,
  draggable = FALSE,
  tooltip = NULL,
  pointsStyle = NULL,
  backgroundColor = NULL,
  xAxis = NULL,
  yAxis = NULL,
  scrollbarX = FALSE,
  scrollbarY = FALSE,
  legend = NULL,
  caption = NULL,
  image = NULL,
  button = NULL,
  cursor = FALSE,
  zoomButtons = FALSE,
  width = NULL,
  height = NULL,
  export = FALSE,
  chartId = NULL,
  elementId = NULL



a dataframe


NULL or a dataframe used to update the data with the button; its column names must include the column names of data given in yValues as well as the column name given in xValue; moreover it must have the same number of rows as data and its rows must be in the same order as those of data


name of the column of data to be used on the x-axis


name(s) of the column(s) of data to be used on the y-axis


names of the variables on the y-axis, to appear in the legend; NULL to use yValues as names, otherwise a named list of the form list(yvalue1 = "ValueName1", yvalue2 = "ValueName2", ...) where yvalue1, yvalue2, ... are the column names given in yValues and "ValueName1", "ValueName2", ... are the desired names to appear in the legend


an optional horizontal line to add to the chart; it must be a named list of the form list(value = h, line = settings) where h is the "intercept" and settings is a list of settings created with amLine


an optional vertical line to add to the chart; it must be a named list of the form list(value = v, line = settings) where v is the "intercept" and settings is a list of settings created with amLine


range of the x-axis, a vector of two values specifying the left and the right limits of the x-axis; NULL for default values


range of the y-axis, a vector of two values specifying the lower and the upper limits of the y-axis; NULL for default values


if xLimits = NULL, a percentage of the range of the x-axis used to expand this range


if yLimits = NULL, a percentage of the range of the y-axis used to expand this range


a number formatting string if xValue is set to a numeric column of data; it is used to format the values displayed in the cursor tooltips if cursor = TRUE, the labels of the x-axis unless you specify your own formatter in the labels field of the list passed on to the xAxis option, and the values displayed in the tooltips unless you specify your own tooltip text; if xValue is set to a date column of data, this option should be set to a date formatting string, and it has an effect only on the values displayed in the tooltips (unless you specify your own tooltip text); formatting the dates on the x-axis is done via the labels field of the list passed on to the xAxis option


a number formatting string; it is used to format the values displayed in the cursor tooltips if cursor = TRUE, the labels of the y-axis unless you specify your own formatter in the labels field of the list passed on to the yAxis option, and the values displayed in the tooltips unless you specify your own tooltip text (see the first example of amBarChart for the way to set a number formatter in the tooltip text)


option to request trend lines and to set their settings; FALSE for no trend line, otherwise a named list of the form list(yvalue1 = trend1, yvalue2 = trend2, ...) where trend1, trend2, ... are lists with the following fields:


the modelling method, can be "lm", "lm.js", "nls", "nlsLM", or "loess"; "lm.js" performs a polynomial regression in JavaScript, its advantage is that the fitted regression line is updated when the points are dragged


a formula passed on to the modelling function for methods "lm", "nls" or "nlsLM"; the lefthandside of this formula must always be y, and its righthandside must be a symbolic expression depending on x only, e.g. y ~ x, y ~ x + I(x^2), y ~ poly(x,2)


effective for methods "lm" and "lm.js" only; a list with five possible fields: type can be "confidence" or "prediction", level is the confidence or prediction level (number between 0 and 1), color is the color of the shaded area, opacity is the opacity of the shaded area (number between 0 and 1), tensionX and tensionY to control the smoothing (see amLine)


the order of the polynomial regression when method = "lm.js"


a list of additional arguments passed on to the modelling function defined by method for methods "nls", "nlsLM" or "loess", e.g. method.args = list(span = 0.3) for method "loess"


a list of settings for the trend line created with amLine

it is also possible to request the same kind of trend lines for all series given by the yValues argument, by passing a list of the form list("_all" = trendconfig), e.g. list("_all" = list(method = "lm", formula = y ~ 0+x, style = amLine()))


chart title, it can be NULL or FALSE for no title, a character string, a list of settings created with amText, or a list with two fields: text, a list of settings created with amText, and align, can be "left", "right" or "center"


theme, NULL or one of "dataviz", "material", "kelly", "dark", "moonrisekingdom", "frozen", "spiritedaway", "patterns", "microchart"


Boolean, whether to animate the rendering of the graphic


TRUE/FALSE to enable/disable dragging of all lines, otherwise a named list of the form list(yvalue1 = TRUE, yvalue2 = FALSE, ...) to enable/disable the dragging for each series corresponding to a column given in yValues


settings of the tooltips; NULL for default, FALSE for no tooltip, otherwise a named list of the form list(yvalue1 = settings1, yvalue2 = settings2, ...) where settings1, settings2, ... are lists created with amTooltip; this can also be a single list of settings that will be applied to each series, or a just a string for the text to display in the tooltip


settings of the points style; NULL for default, otherwise a named list of the form list(yvalue1 = settings1, yvalue2 = settings2, ...) where settings1, settings2, ... are lists created with amCircle, amTriangle or amRectangle; this can also be a single list of settings that will be applied to each series


a color for the chart background; it can be given by the name of a R color, the name of a CSS color, e.g. "aqua" or "indigo", an HEX code like "#ff009a", a RGB code like "rgb(255,100,39)", or a HSL code like "hsl(360,11,255)"


settings of the x-axis given as a list, or just a string for the axis title; the list of settings has five possible fields: a field title, a list of settings for the axis title created with amText, a field labels, a list of settings for the axis labels created with amAxisLabels, a field adjust, a number defining the vertical adjustment of the axis (in pixels), a field gridLines, a list of settings for the grid lines created with amLine, and a field breaks to control the axis breaks, an R object created with amAxisBreaks


settings of the y-axis given as a list, or just a string for the axis title; the list of settings has five possible fields: a field title, a list of settings for the axis title created with amText, a field labels, a list of settings for the axis labels created with amAxisLabels, a field adjust, a number defining the horizontal adjustment of the axis (in pixels), a field gridLines, a list of settings for the grid lines created with amLine, and a field breaks to control the axis breaks, an R object created with amAxisBreaks


logical, whether to add a scrollbar for the x-axis


logical, whether to add a scrollbar for the y-axis


FALSE for no legend, TRUE for a legend with default settings, or a list of settings created with amLegend


NULL or FALSE for no caption, a formatted text created with amText, or a list with two fields: text, a list created with amText, and align, can be "left", "right" or "center"


option to include an image at a corner of the chart; NULL or FALSE for no image, otherwise a named list with four possible fields: the field image (required) is a list created with amImage, the field position can be "topleft", "topright", "bottomleft" or "bottomright", the field hjust defines the horizontal adjustment, and the field vjust defines the vertical adjustment


NULL for the default, FALSE for no button, or a list of settings created with amButton; this button is used to replace the current data with data2


option to add a cursor on the chart; FALSE for no cursor, TRUE for a cursor for both axes with default settings for the axes tooltips, otherwise a named list with five possible fields: a field axes to specify the axes for which the cursor is requested, can be "x", "y", or "xy", a field tooltip to set the style of the axes tooltips, this must be a list of settings created with amTooltip, a field extraTooltipPrecision, a named list of the form list(x = i, y = j) where i and j are the desired numbers of additional decimals for the tooltips on the x-axis and on the y-axis respectively, a field maxTooltipDistance, the radius in pixels of the ball around the mouse cursor in which tooltips are displayed, or -1 to display only one tooltip, and finally a field modifier, a list with two possible fields, x and y, which defines modifiers for the values displayed in the axes tooltips; a modifier is some JavaScript code given a string, which performs a modification of a string named text; see the first example of amLineChart for an example of modifier


a Boolean value, or a list created with amZoomButtons


the width of the chart, e.g. "600px" or "80%"; ignored if the chart is displayed in Shiny, in which case the width is given in amChart4Output


the height of the chart, e.g. "400px"; ignored if the chart is displayed in Shiny, in which case the height is given in amChart4Output


logical, whether to enable the export menu


a HTML id for the chart


a HTML id for the container of the chart; ignored if the chart is displayed in Shiny, in which case the id is given by the Shiny id


# iris data: petal widths ####
dat <- iris
dat$obs <- rep(1:50, 3)
dat <- reshape2::dcast(dat, obs ~ Species, value.var = "Petal.Width")

  data = dat,
  width = "700px",
  xValue = "obs",
  yValues = c("setosa", "versicolor", "virginica"),
  draggable = FALSE,
  backgroundColor = "#30303d",
  pointsStyle = list(
    setosa = amCircle(color = "orange", strokeColor = "red"),
    versicolor = amCircle(color = "cyan", strokeColor = "blue"),
    virginica = amCircle(color = "palegreen", strokeColor = "darkgreen")
  tooltip = "obs: {valueX}\nvalue: {valueY}",
  chartTitle = amText(text = "Iris data", color = "whitesmoke"),
  xAxis = list(title = amText(text = "Observation",
                              fontSize = 21,
                              color = "silver"),
               labels = amAxisLabels(color = "whitesmoke",
                                     fontSize = 17)),
  yAxis = list(title = amText(text = "Petal width",
                              fontSize = 21,
                              color = "silver"),
               labels = amAxisLabels(color = "whitesmoke",
                                     fontSize = 14),
               gridLines = amLine(color = "whitesmoke",
                                  opacity = 0.4, width = 1)),
  Xformatter = "#",
  Yformatter = "#.0",
  caption = amText(text = "[font-style:italic]rAmCharts4[/]",
                   color = "yellow"),
  theme = "dark")

# iris data: petal widths vs petal lengths

dat <- iris
dat$obs <- rep(1:50, 3)
dat <-
  reshape2::dcast(dat, obs + Petal.Length ~ Species, value.var = "Petal.Width")

  data = dat,
  width = "700px",
  xValue = "Petal.Length",
  yValues = c("setosa", "versicolor", "virginica"),
  draggable = FALSE,
  backgroundColor = "#30303d",
  pointsStyle = list(
    setosa = amCircle(color = "orange", strokeColor = "red"),
    versicolor = amCircle(color = "cyan", strokeColor = "blue"),
    virginica = amCircle(color = "palegreen", strokeColor = "darkgreen")
  tooltip = list(
    setosa = amTooltip(
      text = "length: {valueX}\nwidth: {valueY}",
      backgroundColor = "orange",
      borderColor = "red",
      textColor = "black"
    versicolor = amTooltip(
      text = "length: {valueX}\nwidth: {valueY}",
      backgroundColor = "cyan",
      borderColor = "blue",
      textColor = "black"
    virginica = amTooltip(
      text = "length: {valueX}\nwidth: {valueY}",
      backgroundColor = "palegreen",
      borderColor = "darkgreen",
      textColor = "black"
  chartTitle = amText(text = "Iris data", color = "silver"),
  xAxis = list(title = amText(text = "Petal length",
                              fontSize = 19,
                              color = "gold"),
               labels = amAxisLabels(color = "whitesmoke",
                                     fontSize = 17)),
  yAxis = list(title = amText(text = "Petal width",
                              fontSize = 19,
                              color = "gold"),
               labels = amAxisLabels(color = "whitesmoke",
                                     fontSize = 17),
               gridLines = amLine(color = "whitesmoke",
                                  opacity = 0.4, width = 1)),
  cursor = list(
    tooltip = amTooltip(backgroundColor = "lightgray"),
    extraTooltipPrecision = list(x = 1, y = 1)
  caption = amText(text = "[font-style:italic]rAmCharts4[/]",
                   color = "yellow"),
  theme = "dark")

# scatter chart with trend lines ####

Asym = 5; R0 = 1; lrc = -3/4
x <- seq(-.3, 5, len = 101)
y0 <- Asym + (R0-Asym) * exp(-exp(lrc)* x)

dat <- data.frame(
  x = x,
  y1 = y0 + rnorm(101, sd = 0.33),
  y2 = y0 + rnorm(101, sd = 0.33) + 2

  data = dat,
  width = "700px",
  xValue = "x",
  yValues = c("y1", "y2"),
  trend = list("_all" = list(
    method = "nls",
    formula = y ~ SSasymp(x, Asym, R0, lrc),
    style = amLine()
  draggable = FALSE,
  pointsStyle = list(
    y1 = amTriangle(
      width = 8,
      height = 8,
      strokeColor = "yellow",
      strokeWidth = 1
    y2 = amTriangle(
      width = 8,
      height = 8,
      strokeColor = "chartreuse",
      strokeWidth = 1,
      rotation = 180
  chartTitle = amText(text = "Asymptotic regression model"),
  xAxis = "x",
  yAxis = "y",
  Xformatter = "#.###",
  Yformatter = "#.",
  theme = "kelly",
  zoomButtons = TRUE)

Segment style


Create a list of settings for a segment.


amSegment(color = NULL, width = 1)



color of the segment; this can be a color adapter


width of the segment


A list of settings for a segment.


A color can be given by the name of a R color, the name of a CSS color, e.g. "lime" or "indigo", an HEX code like "#ff009a", a RGB code like "rgb(255,100,39)", or a HSL code like "hsl(360,11,255)".

HTML widget displaying a stacked bar chart


Create a HTML widget displaying a stacked bar chart.


  data2 = NULL,
  seriesNames = NULL,
  colors = NULL,
  hline = NULL,
  yLimits = NULL,
  expandY = 5,
  valueFormatter = "#.",
  chartTitle = NULL,
  theme = NULL,
  animated = TRUE,
  tooltip = NULL,
  threeD = FALSE,
  backgroundColor = NULL,
  cellWidth = NULL,
  columnWidth = NULL,
  xAxis = NULL,
  yAxis = NULL,
  scrollbarX = FALSE,
  scrollbarY = FALSE,
  legend = NULL,
  caption = NULL,
  image = NULL,
  button = NULL,
  cursor = FALSE,
  width = NULL,
  height = NULL,
  export = FALSE,
  chartId = NULL,
  elementId = NULL



a dataframe


NULL or a dataframe used to update the data with the button; its column names must include the column names of data given in series, it must have the same number of rows as data and its rows must be in the same order as those of data


name of the column of data to be used on the category axis


a list of stacks; a stack is a character vector of the form c("series3", "series1", "series2"), and the first element of a stack corresponds to the bottom of the column


names of the series variables (the variables which appear in the stacks), to appear in the legend; NULL to use the variables given in stacks as names, otherwise a named list of the form list(series1 = "SeriesName1", series2 = "SeriesName2", ...) where series1, series2, ... are the column names given in stacks and "SeriesName1", "SeriesName2", ... are the desired names to appear in the legend; these names can also appear in the tooltips: they are substituted to the string {name} in the formatting string passed on to the tooltip


colors of the bars; NULL for automatic colors based on the theme, otherwise a named list of the form list(series1 = Color1, series2 = Color2, ...) where series1, series2, ... are the column names given in stacks


an optional horizontal line to add to the chart; it must be a named list of the form list(value = h, line = settings) where h is the "intercept" and settings is a list of settings created with amLine


range of the y-axis, a vector of two values specifying the lower and the upper limits of the y-axis; NULL for default values


if yLimits = NULL, a percentage of the range of the y-axis used to expand this range


a number formatting string; it is used to format the values displayed in the cursor tooltips if cursor = TRUE, the labels of the y-axis unless you specify your own formatter in the labels field of the list passed on to the yAxis option, and the values displayed in the tooltips unless you specify your own tooltip text


chart title, it can be NULL or FALSE for no title, a character string, a list of settings created with amText, or a list with two fields: text, a list of settings created with amText, and align, can be "left", "right" or "center"


theme, NULL or one of "dataviz", "material", "kelly", "dark", "moonrisekingdom", "frozen", "spiritedaway", "patterns", "microchart"


Boolean, whether to animate the rendering of the graphic


settings of the tooltips; NULL for default, FALSE for no tooltip, otherwise a named list of the form list(series1 = settings1, series2 = settings2, ...) where settings1, settings2, ... are lists created with amTooltip; this can also be a single list of settings that will be applied to each series, or a just a string for the text to display in the tooltip


logical, whether to render the columns in 3D


a color for the chart background; a color can be given by the name of a R color, the name of a CSS color, e.g. "rebeccapurple" or "fuchsia", an HEX code like "#ff009a", a RGB code like "rgb(255,100,39)", or a HSL code like "hsl(360,11,255)"


cell width in percent; for a simple bar chart, this is the width of the columns; for a grouped bar chart, this is the width of the clusters of columns; NULL for the default value


column width, a percentage of the cell width; set to 100 for a simple bar chart and use cellWidth to control the width of the columns; for a grouped bar chart, this controls the spacing between the columns within a cluster of columns; NULL for the default value


settings of the category axis given as a list, or just a string for the axis title; the list of settings has three possible fields: a field title, a list of settings for the axis title created with amText, a field labels, a list of settings for the axis labels created with amAxisLabels, and a field adjust, a number defining the vertical adjustment of the axis (in pixels)


settings of the value axis given as a list, or just a string for the axis title; the list of settings has five possible fields: a field title, a list of settings for the axis title created with amText, a field labels, a list of settings for the axis labels created with amAxisLabels, a field adjust, a number defining the horizontal adjustment of the axis (in pixels), a field gridLines, a list of settings for the grid lines created with amLine and a field breaks to control the axis breaks, an R object created with amAxisBreaks


logical, whether to add a scrollbar for the category axis


logical, whether to add a scrollbar for the value axis


either a logical value, whether to display the legend, or a list of settings for the legend created with amLegend


NULL or FALSE for no caption, a formatted text created with amText, or a list with two fields: text, a list created with amText, and align, can be "left", "right" or "center"


option to include an image at a corner of the chart; NULL or FALSE for no image, otherwise a named list with four possible fields: the field image (required) is a list created with amImage, the field position can be "topleft", "topright", "bottomleft" or "bottomright", the field hjust defines the horizontal adjustment, and the field vjust defines the vertical adjustment


NULL for the default, FALSE for no button, or a list of settings created with amButton; this button is used to replace the current data with data2


option to add a cursor on the chart; FALSE for no cursor, TRUE for a cursor with default settings for the tooltips, or a list of settings created with amTooltip to set the style of the tooltips, or a list with three possible fields: a field tooltip, a list of tooltip settings created with amTooltip, a field extraTooltipPrecision, an integer, the number of additional decimals to display in the tooltips, and a field modifier, which defines a modifier for the values displayed in the tooltips; a modifier is some JavaScript code given as a string, which performs a modification of a string named text, e.g. modifier = "text = '>>>' + text;"


the width of the chart, e.g. "600px" or "80%"; ignored if the chart is displayed in Shiny, in which case the width is given in amChart4Output


the height of the chart, e.g. "400px"; ignored if the chart is displayed in Shiny, in which case the height is given in amChart4Output


logical, whether to enable the export menu


a HTML id for the chart


a HTML id for the container of the chart; ignored if the chart is displayed in Shiny, in which case the id is given by the Shiny id



dat <- data.frame(
  year     = c("2004", "2005", "2006"),
  europe   = c(10, 15, 20),
  asia     = c( 9, 10, 13),
  africa   = c( 5,  6,  8),
  meast    = c( 7,  8, 12),
  namerica = c(12, 15, 19),
  samerica = c(10, 16, 14)

dat2 <- data.frame(
  year     = c("2004", "2005", "2006"),
  europe   = c( 7, 12, 16),
  asia     = c( 8, 13, 10),
  africa   = c( 7,  7, 10),
  meast    = c( 8,  6, 14),
  namerica = c(10, 17, 17),
  samerica = c(12, 18, 17)

stacks <- list(
  c("europe", "namerica"),
  c("asia", "africa", "meast", "samerica")

seriesNames <- list(
  europe = "Europe",
  namerica = "North America",
  asia = "Asia",
  africa = "Africa",
  meast = "Middle East",
  samerica = "South America"

  data2 = dat2,
  category = "year",
  stacks = stacks,
  seriesNames = seriesNames,
  yLimits = c(0, 60),
  chartTitle = amText(
    "Stacked bar chart",
    fontFamily = "Trebuchet MS",
    fontSize = 30,
    fontWeight = "bold"
  xAxis = "Year",
  yAxis = "A quantity...",
  theme = "kelly",
  button = amButton("Update", position = 1),
  height = 450



Create a list of settings for a text.


  color = NULL,
  fontSize = NULL,
  fontWeight = "normal",
  fontFamily = NULL



the text to display, a character string


color of the text; it can be given by the name of a R color, the name of a CSS color, e.g. "crimson", an HEX code like "#ff009a", a RGB code like "rgb(255,100,39)", or a HSL code like "hsl(360,11,255)"


size of the text


font weight of the text, it can be "normal", "bold", "bolder", "lighter", or a number in seq(100, 900, by = 100)


font family


A list of settings for a text.


There is no option for the font style; you can get an italicized text by entering text = "[font-style:italic]Your text[/]".



Create list of settings for a tooltip.


  textColor = NULL,
  textAlign = "middle",
  backgroundColor = NULL,
  backgroundOpacity = 0.6,
  borderColor = NULL,
  borderWidth = 2,
  pointerLength = 10,
  scale = 1,
  auto = FALSE



text to display in the tooltip; this should be a formatting string


text color


alignement of the text, can be "start", "middle", or "end"


background color of the tooltip


background opacity


color of the border of the tooltip


width of the border of the tooltip


length of the pointer


scale factor


logical, whether to use automatic background color and text color


A list of settings for a tooltip.


A color can be given by the name of a R color, the name of a CSS color, e.g. "transparent" or "fuchsia", an HEX code like "#ff009a", a RGB code like "rgb(255,100,39)", or a HSL code like "hsl(360,11,255)".

Zoom buttons


Zoom buttons.


  halign = "left",
  valign = "top",
  marginH = 5,
  marginV = 5,
  zoomFactor = 0.1



"left" or "right"


"top" or "bottom"


horizontal margin


vertical margin


zoom factor


A list of parameters for zoom buttons, for usage in amLineChart or amScatterChart



Adapters allow to have finer control of settings such as the colors of the columns of a bar chart or the colors of the points of a scatter chart.



amColorAdapterFromCuts(cuts, colors, value)



a vector of colors


a vector of cut points (sorted increasingly)


a mathematical expression of the variables X and Y given as JavaScript code; the simplest examples are "X" and "Y", a more elaborate example is "Math.sqrt(X**2+Y**2)" (don't forget that the power in JavaScript is '**', not '^'!); see the examples


# bar chart with individual colors ####

dat <- data.frame(
  country = c("USA", "China", "Japan", "Germany", "UK", "France"),
  visits = c(3025, 1882, 1809, 1322, 1122, 1114)

  data = dat,
  width = "600px",
  category = "country", values = "visits",
  showValues = FALSE,
  tooltip = FALSE,
  columnStyle = amColumn(
    color = amColorAdapterFromVector(hcl.colors(6, "Viridis")),
    opacity = 0.7,
    strokeColor = amColorAdapterFromVector(hcl.colors(6, "Cividis")),
    strokeWidth = 4
  bullets = amCircle(
    color = amColorAdapterFromVector(hcl.colors(6, "Viridis")),
    opacity = 1,
    strokeColor = amColorAdapterFromVector(hcl.colors(6, "Cividis")),
    strokeWidth = 4,
    radius = 12
  alwaysShowBullets = TRUE,
  chartTitle =
    amText(text = "Visits per country", fontSize = 22, color = "orangered"),
  backgroundColor = "rgb(164,167,174)",
  xAxis = list(title = amText(text = "Country", color = "maroon")),
  yAxis = list(
    title = amText(text = "Visits", color = "maroon"),
    gridLines = amLine(color = "white", width = 1, dash = "3,3")
  yLimits = c(0, 4000),
  valueFormatter = "#,###.",
  caption = amText(text = "Year 2018", color = "red")

# usage example of amColorAdapterFromCuts ####

dat <- data.frame(
  x = rnorm(200),
  y = rnorm(200)

  data = dat,
  width = "500px", height = "500px",
  xValue = "x", yValues = "y",
  xLimits = c(-3,3), yLimits = c(-3,3),
  draggable = FALSE,
  backgroundColor = "#30303d",
  pointsStyle = amCircle(
    color = amColorAdapterFromCuts(
      cuts = c(-2, -1, 1, 2),
      colors = c("red", "green", "blue", "green", "red"),
      value = "Y"
    opacity = 0.5,
    strokeColor = amColorAdapterFromCuts(
      cuts = c(-2, -1, 1, 2),
      colors = c("darkred", "darkgreen", "darkblue", "darkgreen", "darkred"),
      value = "Y"
  xAxis = list(
    breaks = amAxisBreaks(seq(-3, 3, by=1)),
    gridLines = amLine(opacity = 0.3, width = 1)
  yAxis = list(
    breaks = amAxisBreaks(seq(-3, 3, by=1)),
    gridLines = amLine(opacity = 0.3, width = 1)
  tooltip = FALSE,
  caption = amText(text = "[font-style:italic]rAmCharts4[/]",
                   color = "yellow"),
  theme = "dark")

# other usage example of amColorAdapterFromCuts: linear gradient ####

dat <- data.frame(
  x = rnorm(500),
  y = rnorm(500)

  data = dat,
  width = "500px", height = "500px",
  xValue = "x", yValues = "y",
  xLimits = c(-3,3), yLimits = c(-3,3),
  draggable = FALSE,
  backgroundColor = "#30303d",
  pointsStyle = amCircle(
    radius = 4,
    strokeWidth = 1,
    color = amColorAdapterFromCuts(
      cuts = seq(-3, 3, length.out = 121),
      colors = colorRampPalette(
      value = "X"
    opacity = 0.75,
    strokeColor = amColorAdapterFromCuts(
      cuts = seq(-3, 3, length.out = 121),
      colors = colorRampPalette(
      value = "X"
  xAxis = list(
    breaks = amAxisBreaks(seq(-3, 3, by=1)),
    gridLines = amLine(opacity = 0.3, width = 1)
  yAxis = list(
    breaks = amAxisBreaks(seq(-3, 3, by=1)),
    gridLines = amLine(opacity = 0.3, width = 1)
  tooltip = FALSE,
  caption = amText(text = "[font-style:italic]rAmCharts4[/]",
                   color = "yellow"),
  theme = "dark")

# yet another usage example of amColorAdapterFromCuts: radial gradient

dat <- data.frame(
  x = rnorm(1000),
  y = rnorm(1000)

  data = dat,
  width = "500px", height = "500px",
  xValue = "x", yValues = "y",
  xLimits = c(-3,3), yLimits = c(-3,3),
  draggable = FALSE,
  backgroundColor = "#30303d",
  pointsStyle = amCircle(
    radius = 4,
    strokeWidth = 1,
    color = amColorAdapterFromCuts(
      cuts = seq(0, 3, length.out = 121),
      colors = colorRampPalette(
      value = "Math.sqrt(X**2+Y**2)"
    opacity = 0.75,
    strokeColor = amColorAdapterFromCuts(
      cuts = seq(0, 3, length.out = 121),
      colors = colorRampPalette(
      value = "Math.sqrt(X**2+Y**2)"
  xAxis = list(
    breaks = amAxisBreaks(seq(-3, 3, by=1)),
    gridLines = amLine(opacity = 0.3, width = 1)
  yAxis = list(
    breaks = amAxisBreaks(seq(-3, 3, by=1)),
    gridLines = amLine(opacity = 0.3, width = 1)
  tooltip = FALSE,
  caption = amText(text = "[font-style:italic]rAmCharts4[/]",
                   color = "yellow"),
  theme = "dark")

Objects imported from other packages


These objects are imported from other packages. Follow the links to their documentation: JS, saveWidget



Create a list of settings for bullets, their shape and their style.


  color = NULL,
  opacity = 1,
  width = 10,
  height = 10,
  strokeColor = NULL,
  strokeOpacity = 1,
  strokeWidth = 2,
  direction = "top",
  rotation = 0,
  image = NULL

  color = NULL,
  opacity = 1,
  radius = 6,
  strokeColor = NULL,
  strokeOpacity = 1,
  strokeWidth = 2,
  image = NULL

  color = NULL,
  opacity = 1,
  width = 10,
  height = 10,
  strokeColor = NULL,
  strokeOpacity = 1,
  strokeWidth = 2,
  rotation = 0,
  cornerRadius = 3,
  image = NULL



bullet color; this can be a color adapter


bullet opacity, a number between 0 and 1


bullet width


bullet height


stroke color of the bullet; this can be a color adapter


stroke opacity of the bullet, a number between 0 and 1


stroke width of the bullet


triangle direction


rotation angle


option to include an image in the bullet, a list created with amImage


circle radius


radius of the rectangle corners


A list of settings for the bullets.


A color can be given by the name of a R color, the name of a CSS color, e.g. "transparent" or "fuchsia", an HEX code like "#ff009a", a RGB code like "rgb(255,100,39)", or a HSL code like "hsl(360,11,255)".

Shiny bindings for using rAmCharts4 in Shiny


Output and render functions for using the rAmCharts4 widgets within Shiny applications and interactive Rmd documents.


amChart4Output(outputId, width = "100%", height = "400px")

renderAmChart4(expr, env = parent.frame(), quoted = FALSE)



output variable to read from

width, height

must be a valid CSS unit (like "100%", "400px", "auto") or a number, which will be coerced to a string and have "px" appended


an expression that generates a chart with amBarChart, amHorizontalBarChart, amLineChart, amScatterChart, amRangeAreaChart, amRadialBarChart, amDumbbellChart, amHorizontalDumbbellChart, amGaugeChart, amPieChart, or amPercentageBarChart


the environment in which to evaluate expr


whether expr is a quoted expression



ui <- fluidPage(
      width = 8,
      amChart4Output("linechart", height = "500px")
      width = 4,
        tags$legend("Chart data"),

server <- function(input, output){

  dat <- data.frame(
    date = ymd(180101) + months(0:11),
    visits = rpois(12, 20),
    x = 1:12

  output[["linechart"]] <- renderAmChart4({
      data = dat,
      data2 = dat,
      xValue = "date",
      yValues = "visits",
      draggable = TRUE,
      chartTitle = amText(
        text = "Number of visits",
        color = "crimson",
        fontWeight = "bold",
        fontFamily = "cursive"
      xAxis = list(
        title = "Date",
        labels = amAxisLabels(rotation = -45),
        breaks = amAxisBreaks(timeInterval = "1 month")
      yAxis = "Visits",
      yLimits = c(0, 35),
      backgroundColor = "whitesmoke",
      tooltip = "[bold][font-style:italic]{dateX}[/]\nvisits: {valueY}[/]",
      Yformatter = "#",
      caption = amText(
        text = "[bold font-size:22]Year 2018[/]",
        color = "fuchsia"
      button = amButton(
        label = amText("Reset data", color = "black"),
        color = "seashell",
        position = 0.95
      theme = "dataviz")

  output[["chartData"]] <- renderPrint({

  output[["chartChange"]] <- renderPrint({


if(interactive()) {
  shinyApp(ui, server)



Icons for usage in amImage.


tinyIcon(icon, backgroundColor = NULL)





name of an icon; tinyIcons() returns the list of available icons, and shinyAppTinyIcons() runs a Shiny app which displays the available icons


background color of the icon (possibly "transparent")


A base64 string that can be used in the href argument of amImage.


A color can be given by the name of a R color, the name of a CSS color, e.g. "transparent" or "fuchsia", an HEX code like "#ff009a", a RGB code like "rgb(255,100,39)", or a HSL code like "hsl(360,11,255)".

Update the data of a bar chart


Update the data of a bar chart in a Shiny app (vertical, horizontal, radial, or stacked bar chart).


updateAmBarChart(session, outputId, data)



the Shiny session object


the output id passed on to amChart4Output


new data; if it is not valid, then nothing will happen (in order to be valid it must have the same structure as the data passed on to amBarChart / amHorizontalBarChart / amRadialBarChart / amStackedBarChart); in this case check the JavaScript console, it will report the encountered issue



ui <- fluidPage(
  actionButton("update", "Update", class = "btn-primary"),
  br(), br(),
  amChart4Output("barchart", width = "650px", height = "470px")

server <- function(input, output, session){

  dat <- data.frame(
    country = c("USA", "China", "Japan", "Germany", "UK", "France"),
    visits = c(3025, 1882, 1809, 1322, 1122, 1114),
    income = rpois(6, 25),
    expenses = rpois(6, 20)
  newdat <- data.frame(
    country = c("USA", "China", "Japan", "Germany", "UK", "France"),
    income = rpois(6, 25),
    expenses = rpois(6, 20)

  output[["barchart"]] <- renderAmChart4({
      data = dat,
      category = "country",
      values = c("income", "expenses"),
      valueNames = list(income = "Income", expenses = "Expenses"),
      draggable = TRUE,
      backgroundColor = "#30303d",
      columnStyle = list(
        income = amColumn(
          color = "darkmagenta", strokeColor = "#cccccc", strokeWidth = 2
        expenses = amColumn(
          color = "darkred", strokeColor = "#cccccc", strokeWidth = 2
      chartTitle = list(text = "Income and expenses per country"),
      xAxis = "Country",
      yAxis = "Income and expenses",
      yLimits = c(0, 41),
      valueFormatter = "#.#",
      caption = "Year 2018",
      theme = "dark")

  observeEvent(input[["update"]], {
    updateAmBarChart(session, "barchart", newdat)


  shinyApp(ui, server)

# Survival probabilities ####

probs <- c(control = 30, treatment = 75) # initial probabilities

ui <- fluidPage(
          tags$legend("Survival probability"),
            "Control group",
            min = 0, max = 100, value = probs[["control"]], step = 1
            "Treatment group",
            min = 0, max = 100, value = probs[["treatment"]], step = 1
      amChart4Output("barchart", width = "500px", height = "400px")

server <- function(input, output, session){

  dat <- data.frame(
    group = c("Control", "Treatment"),
    alive = c(probs[["control"]], probs[["treatment"]]),
    dead  = 100 - c(probs[["control"]], probs[["treatment"]])
  stacks <- list(
    c("alive", "dead")
  seriesNames <- list(
    alive = "Alive",
    dead  = "Dead"

  output[["barchart"]] <- renderAmChart4({
      category = "group",
      stacks = stacks,
      seriesNames = seriesNames,
      yLimits = c(0, 100),
      chartTitle = amText(
        "Survival probabilities",
        fontFamily = "Trebuchet MS",
        fontSize = 30,
        fontWeight = "bold"
      xAxis = "Group",
      yAxis = "Probability",
      theme = "dataviz"

  observeEvent(list(input[["control"]], input[["treatment"]]), {
    newdat <- data.frame(
      group = c("Control", "Treatment"),
      alive = c(input[["control"]], input[["treatment"]]),
      dead  = 100 - c(input[["control"]], input[["treatment"]])
    updateAmBarChart(session, "barchart", newdat)


  shinyApp(ui, server)

Update the score of a gauge chart


Update the score of a gauge chart in a Shiny app


updateAmGaugeChart(session, outputId, score)



the Shiny session object


the output id passed on to amChart4Output


new value of the score



gradingData <- data.frame(
  label = c("Slow", "Moderate", "Fast"),
  lowScore = c(0, 100/3, 200/3),
  highScore = c(100/3, 200/3, 100)

ui <- fluidPage(
        "slider", "Score", min = 0, max = 100, value = 30
      amChart4Output("gauge", height = "500px")

server <- function(input, output, session){

  output[["gauge"]] <- renderAmChart4({
      score = isolate(input[["slider"]]),
      minScore = 0, maxScore = 100, gradingData = gradingData,
      theme = "dataviz"

  observeEvent(input[["slider"]], {
    updateAmGaugeChart(session, "gauge", score = input[["slider"]])


  shinyApp(ui, server)

Update the data of a 100% stacked bar chart


Update the data of a 100% staced bar chart in a Shiny app (amPercentageBarChart).


updateAmPercentageBarChart(session, outputId, data)



the Shiny session object


the output id passed on to amChart4Output


new data; if it is not valid, then nothing will happen (in order to be valid it must have the same structure as the data passed on to amPercentageBarChart); in this case check the JavaScript console, it will report the encountered issue



dat <- data.frame(
  country = c("Australia", "Canada", "France", "Germany"),
  "35-44" = c(2, 2, 3, 3),
  "45-54" = c(9, 5, 7, 6),
  "55+"   = c(8, 4, 6, 5),
  check.names = FALSE

newdat <- data.frame(
  country = c("Australia", "Canada", "France", "Germany"),
  "35-44" = c(3, 2, 3, 4),
  "45-54" = c(7, 3, 5, 5),
  "55+"   = c(7, 4, 5, 3),
  check.names = FALSE

ui <- fluidPage(
  actionButton("update", "Update", class = "btn-primary"),
  br(), br(),
  amChart4Output("pbarchart", width = "650px", height = "470px")

server <- function(input, output, session){

  output[["pbarchart"]] <- renderAmChart4({
      category = "country",
      values = c("35-44", "45-54", "55+"),
      chartTitle = "Profit by country and age breakdowns",
      xAxis = "Country",
      yAxis = "Profit",
      theme = "moonrisekingdom",
      legend = amLegend(position = "right")

  observeEvent(input[["update"]], {
    updateAmPercentageBarChart(session, "pbarchart", newdat)


  shinyApp(ui, server)

Update the data of a pie chart


Update the data of a pie chart in a Shiny app.


updateAmPieChart(session, outputId, data)



the Shiny session object


the output id passed on to amChart4Output


new data; if it is not valid, then nothing will happen (in order to be valid it must have the same structure as the data passed on to amPieChart); in this case check the JavaScript console, it will report the encountered issue